Tree Protection

Tree Protection Bylaw 2019 No. 5478, as amended
Tree Protection Bylaw 2019, No. 5478 was adopted by the Township of Langley Council to protect trees, regulate cutting, and outline replanting requirements.
To help ensure tree health and the urban canopy, property owners are required to apply for a permit if they want to cut or remove a tree from their property. Anyone removing or cutting a protected tree without a valid permit may be subject to fines and additional tree replacement requirements.
The removal of protected trees is limited to the following situations:
- a tree is dead, dying, damaged, diseased, or in decline beyond expectations of recovery;
- a tree is in imminent failure;
- a tree has unresolvable conflicts with buildings or utilities;
- a tree, by virtue of its size and species, is inappropriate for its location;
The Bylaw applies to all trees on private property in the Township, with the following exceptions:
- Lands within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).
- Private land used for the production or cutting of protected trees under a valid, existing licence for a tree farm, nursery or Christmas trees.
- Land that is the subject of a development application. For more information on development applications, visit Development.
- Trees smaller than 20 centimetres diameter at breast height (DBH).
- Standard trimming or pruning of all trees or hedges no more than 8 metres in height.
Permit application overview
View the Tree Removal/Cutting Application Guide for more information.
Applications for Tree Cutting/Removal Associated with a Building Permit
- Where tree removal is required to facilitate a building permit, please download the Tree Cutting/Removal Declaration form and submit as part of your building permit application. If your declaration states trees are being removed, please complete the Tree Removal/Cutting application form.
- Visit “Other permits” under to obtain application, forms and guides and apply online.
All Other Tree Cutting/Removal Permits
- For all other application types, download the Tree Removal/Cutting application form.
- If you are agent for the property owner, please ensure you complete the Agent Authorization as part of your application.
- For additional information, refer to the Tree Removal/Cutting Application Guide.
- Applications to remove trees on a property are available online.
- If you are unable to submit your application online, a completed application package must be submitted to the Permits, Licenses, and Inspections Division, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley.
- The non-refundable application fee is $150 (applies to all application types).
- Additional fees for trees approved to be removed/cut, as outlined in Fees and Charges Bylaw 2007 No. 4616, as amended, will be collected prior to permit issuance.
- Additional fees are not required for trees in imminent failure or those that are dead, dying, diseased or in decline beyond expectations of recovery.
- All payment submitted by credit card will be charged a 2.2% credit card fee.
- Cash-in-lieu requirements will be determined through the permit review process.
Additional information
- Applications for trees that are inappropriate for their species, size, or location must be supported by an arborist report.
- Applications for trees that are in imminent failure, or dead, dying, diseased, or damaged beyond expectations of recovery must be supported by photographic evidence.
- Permit requirements include posting of the associated permit tag at the subject property and keeping it posted during cutting or removal operations.
- Tree cutting or removal is not permitted between 6:00pm and 8:00am, with the exception of hazardous trees.
- Nesting birds may impact the ability to remove trees. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure works are compliant with Federal and Provincial Acts with respect to bird nests.
- Permits are valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue or upon such earlier date as may be specified in the permit.
Learn more about municipal trees including street trees.
Frequently asked questions
Arborist report writing guidelines |
Arborist reports following the Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) model must be completed by TRAQ arborists and submitted with all Tree Cutting applications for trees deemed to be inappropriate for their species, size, or location. TRACE model, and other arborist report formats, are not accepted. The guidelines below provide an outline of what to include in the report. While requirements below are not comprehensive, failure to include the following information will result in the report being rejected. The following must be included in the report:
Why do I need to apply for a permit to remove a tree from my property? |
Township of Langley Council adopted Tree Protection Bylaw 2019 No. 5478 on July 8, 2019. Taking steps to protect trees in the Township helps ensure we retain our valuable tree canopy. Similarly, undue damage to a tree's roots, bark, or canopy can kill or severely injure the tree. To help ensure tree health and the urban canopy, property owners are required to apply for a Tree Removal/Cutting Permit via the Tree Removal/Cutting application process. |
My property is in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Do I need a permit? |
No, land in the ALR is exempt from the Tree Protection Bylaw. If you would like to confirm if your property is located in the Agricultural Land Reserve, search your address in GeoSource. |
I want to remove hedging or shrubbery from my property. Do I need a permit? |
No, removal of standard hedging and shrubbery does not require a permit, unless the hedge is comprised of large conifers or deciduous species 8 metres in height or greater. Call 604-533-6018 to initiate a request for staff to investigate if you are unsure whether your hedge removal (individual trees or the entire hedge) requires a permit. If you would like to remove hedging on the boundary of your property, you may wish to double check that it does not reside on your neighbour’s property or on shared land. |
I only want to trim a tree on my property. Do I need a permit? |
No, standard pruning (select removal of branches to improve the tree’s overall health) does not require a permit. However, cutting or damaging roots of a tree within its drip line, significantly cutting back the top portion of a tree’s branches (i.e., topping), removing the tree’s bark, or denting, gouging, or damaging the trunk of a tree is not allowed. For a full list of restricted activities, check the Tree Protection Bylaw 2019 No. 5478. |
My property is a strata. What steps should I take before removing a tree? |
If your property is stratified and less than 5 years old, the trees on your property may have been planted as a requirement of development. In these cases, tree removal may not be permitted. To determine if the tree you wish to remove is governed by development guidelines, call Development Services at 604-533-6034. Additionally, depending on the type of strata, you may have to submit the following:
Land is being redeveloped and trees are being removed. Does this fall under the Tree Protection Bylaw? |
Development applications are subject to a separate set of tree removal requirements. Lands under a development application (Rezoning, Development Permit, or Subdivision) are exempt from the Tree Protection Bylaw as tree retention/replacement is achieved through the Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw. For more information on development applications, visit Development. |
How can I request the removal or pruning of a municipally-owned tree? |
Property owners cannot request to remove a municipal street tree through the Tree Removal/Cutting process. However, The Township of Langley has a Nuisance Tree policy for concerns regarding municipal street trees affected by insect infestations, diseases, or those causing conflicts or damage to infrastructure. For enquiries regarding nuisance trees on municipal road allowances, please call the Engineering Division at 604-532-7300. |
My neighbour’s tree is bothersome. How can I request its removal? |
Only property owners or the owner’s agent can apply for a Tree Removal/Cutting permit. |
A tree has fallen on my property due to a windstorm. What do I do? |
If a windstorm or other event severely damages a tree on your private property, please refer to the following guidelines.
Please note: removal of all trees, including fallen trees due to weather events, requires a valid Tree Removal permit. Before removing any trees from your property, take photos of the fallen tree and the surroundings. Staff will help you work toward the permit process and document the situation. |
My property has a stream, creek, or slope on it. How does this affect removing trees from my property? |
Trees near watercourses fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regardless of size. Township staff can review your request and determine if tree removal is allowed. Please email or call 604-533-6034, where our support team can receive your request and refer it to appropriate staff for review. Property owners are reminded that no person shall cause, or permit another person to cause, sediment or sediment-laden water to be discharged, either directly or indirectly, into creeks and streams or the Township drainage system. As outlined in the Tree Protection Bylaw, if your property has a significant slope, you may be required to submit additional reports before the application can be processed. For more information, call the 604-533-6018. |
Why do I have to provide cash-in-lieu for the tree(s) I removed? |
Replacement tree cash-in-lieu funding is required to help sustain the Township’s urban forest. The Township will utilize these funds to maintain our forest canopy by planting trees on Township lands, including in parks and conservation areas. |
I’ve received a permit to remove a tree from my property. What do I do with the wood? |
Tree parts and wood waste can remain on your private property, if desired, otherwise it must be disposed of by chipping, contracting a private hauler, or bringing it to a transfer station. Wood waste cannot be placed in the Green Cart or disposed of via municipal curbside collection. Additionally, any burning requires a separate Burning Permit and must follow all requirements as outlined in the permit. Please note, burning is not allowed and permits will not be issued for the urban areas of Aldergrove, Brookswood, Fort Langley, Murrayville, Walnut Grove, and Willoughby, and are restricted to specific times of year. |
I’ve witnessed a tree being removed and I don’t think it is permitted. What should I do? |
Properties with a valid permit to remove or cut trees are required to display a permit tag at their property, visible from the roadway. If you cannot see the permit tag, you may wish to search the Tree Permit Activity WebApp to see if the property has a valid permit. If you believe a tree has been cut without a permit please call 604-533-6018 Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. If you are observing an active tree removal evenings after 4:30 pm or on weekends or holidays call 604-543-6722. Note that properties under an active development application are subject to tree protection and replacement requirements of the Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw and are exempt from the Tree Protection Bylaw. |
What is the Tree Permit Activity WebApp? |
The online Tree Permit Activity Map plots data from valid tree removal permits. A red square on the map indicates an active permit and outlines the number of trees that have been approved for removal. Data on the map remains live until the permit expires one year from the date of issuance. The information is automatically updated on a regular basis. |
Why should I consider hiring a professional arborist? |
As an expert on tree cultivation and management, an arborist will be able to help you accurately identify the health of trees on your property, and advise the best course of action. More information on services that arborists provide, criteria for selecting an arborist, and the benefits of hiring a professional are available through the International Society of Arboriculture. |
What is diameter at breast height (DBH)? |
Diameter at breast height, or DBH, is the standard for measuring trees. DBH refers to the tree diameter measured at 1.4 metres (4.5 feet) above the ground. Trees less than 20 centimetres DBH are exempt from the Tree Protection Bylaw. If you are unsure of the tree’s DBH, call the Tree Protection Line at 604-533-6111. |
More information
For more information regarding tree protection and the Tree Removal/Cutting application process, call the Tree Protection Line at 604-533-6111 or email