The Township of Langley offers a wide variety of mapping products and services.
Online maps
We are pleased to present our latest version of GeoSource. We appreciate your feedback at so we can continue to improve the application.
Please note that this version of GeoSource is capable of running on any device with an internet browser and internet connection (mobile phones, tablets, laptops). Application performance may vary with internet connection speeds.
To access our GeoSource application, please click on the logo:
Interactive mapping tools (GeoSource) provide quick and easy access to many different data sets managed by the Township.
PDF maps
The following PDF maps are available free of charge, however some may not offer the latest information on roads, parks and other details, so we encourage you to use GeoSource or Google Maps.
Maps |
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Trails |
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If you are interested in obtaining utility service record cards or asbuilt drawings, fill out a Map Order Form. Please direct any questions to or 604-532-3595.
Spatial data
Need spatial data? Visit the Open Data Catalogue for downloadable data sets.
Digital submission standards
To ensure information is consistent and complete, digital information submitted to the Township must meet digital standards. The standards define the minimum requirements.
Frequently asked questions
Why do we have Digital Submission Standards? |
So that we can collect and maintain accurate and reliable infrastructure (sewer, drainage, water) and cadastral information for the planning, design, construction and operation of public facilities; so that we can meet our obligations to maintain accurate records of public assets, and be able to serve the complex needs of the private developers. Private developers, contractors and our own Operations crews rely on accurate electronic mapping information. The use of electronic files provides the ability to increase the accuracy, integrity and reliability of the Township’s GIS data. |
Why can't we use paper copies as we did in the past? |
A primary role of government is as care taker of public records and the nature of this information is continually increasing in complexity and precision. More and more users of public information are requesting digital records. In order to effectively process digital requests we must maintain high quality electronic as-built and legal survey plan information. With ever increasing demands for service, we must also rely on more advanced technologies to gain higher levels of efficiency. Electronic submissions are one way we can gain these efficiencies. |
What are some of the other benefits to using digital files instead of paper? |
Electronic files reduce the need for large filing cabinets and storage vaults eliminating the need for expensive ‘real estate’ simply for storage of information. With appropriate procedures in place original electronic files are more secure than paper (For example there is less chance of losing or misfiling a document and they can be recovered in cases of fire or other emergency situations). Paper documents are subject to tearing and fading over time. Electronic documents have other issues associated with them such as evolving technology; however, by using standard IT specifications for creation and storage, these files will always be available for review and interpretation. Modeling and analysis capabilities are increased with the use and integration of electronic files. Electronic files are also easily shared and transported via email and the internet (i.e.: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)), which expedites delivery of information and reduces costs associated with delivery to and from the Township. |
Why do we need digital submission standards? |
Just as paper map standards were in place so that surveyors and engineers could use the paper as-builts, digital standards are in place so that we can use the digital as-built files. Without a common set of ground rules (digital submission standards) we cannot incorporate the digital files into our inventories in an efficient and effective manner. Using digital standards will allow us to import data into the Township’s GIS as well as export data more accurately and reliably to our clients. |
What are we asking for in the digital submission standards? |
We are asking for the bare minimum required to use digital files. We need accurate and clean digital certified record drawing and legal survey plan files. More specifically, we need:
We are asking for achievable minimum standards, and we have received some excellent examples so far. We recognize the complexities of these new advanced technologies so if you have any questions or suggestions to help us improve the process please contact the Geomatics Section by sending an email to or contacting the Manager of Geomatics at 604-533-6143. |
If you are interested in obtaining utility service record cards or asbuilt drawings, fill out a Map Order Form.
Please direct any questions to the Geomatic Services Department at or 604-532-3595.
Legal survey
As a requirement of the subdivision approval process, the Township requires developers to submit digital legal plans in a standard format. Check out our digital legal survey plan standards for more information.
The Township is currently working on digital submission standards for infrastructure information.