216 Street Interchange Update, December 2020

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) completed and opened the 216 Street Interchange in September 2020. On Monday, December 7, Township of Langley staff presented an update on the project to Council, including background information, the measures undertaken and works completed in anticipation of the project, the regulatory framework and further steps taken to address the impacts from the new interchange.
216 Street Corridor Studies
216 Street is identified as an arterial road in the Township Master Transportation Plan. A portion of the corridor (88 Avenue to 96 Avenue) is part of the TransLink Major Road Network (MRN) and is a Township designated truck route network.
Phase 1 of a study of this corridor was completed in October 2020, with phase 2 anticipated in spring/summer of 2021. The presentation below describes works undertaken on roads both north and south of Highway 1, and the signs and markings related to school areas and truck traffic, including those installed and proposed by MoTI.
The presentation also provides information on the regulatory framework and limitations of the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act (SCBCTA) for MRN roads and for truck movements, as well as the regulatory framework in the Township Highway and Traffic Bylaw and enforcement considerations.
December 7 Presentation
View the Monday, December 7 presentation to Council.
Engineering Division