Council approves Smith Athletic Park Phase 1

The new Smith Athletic Park – Youth Soccer Campus, located in Willoughby, received Township of Langley Council approval to proceed with Phase 1 supported by $60 million in funding. The Smith Athletic Park project will create a place in the community for the enjoyment and development of youth soccer.
Phase 1 will include the construction of needed access roads, utilities, site preparations, three new playing fields, a dog park, and a playground. The addition of three new playing fields is needed to address the growing demand on user groups, like Langley United Soccer Association, for youth sport participation.
“Hundreds of kids in Langley are on waiting lists to play soccer, and the list is only getting longer. We are addressing that head-on. We have to create more recreational capacity to keep up with growth, in our community. We have to make sure that anyone in the Township of Langley that wants to play sport, especially our youth, can do so.” – Mayor Eric Woodward
The project will also include work to confirm the final design of multiple roads needed to connect the site in the community, including: 208A Street from 76 Avenue to the 212th Connector, 76 Avenue from 208th Street east, and the 212th Connector from 208th to 210th Street.
As directed by Council, the costs for this project will be borne solely through Community Amenity Contributions and Development Cost Charges.
Phase 2 of the project, which will include a fourth field and enclosed building and potentially underground parking, will be considered by Council at a future date.