Read the information below to be aware and prepared for localized flooding at your home or business caused by heavy rain storms or freshet.
Each year, municipalities that border the Fraser River, including the Township of Langley, prepare for the possibility that melted snow packs from the mountains could flood local rivers. Residents and property owners are encouraged to be prepared for the threat of flooding as well.
The Township maintains a comprehensive flood risk protection program. This program is reviewed annually and includes regular inspections. Township staff closely monitors snow pack and runoff forecasts as provided by the Ministry of Environment.
River levels at the Mission Gauge
The Township’s Flood Response Plan for freshet is triggered by river levels measured at the Mission Gauge. When levels are expected to continue to rise, action will take place as detailed in the chart below. Closures will be implemented based on actual field observations.
Gauge reading and Township response
Gauge reading | Township response |
4.9 m |
Weekly inspections of dykes and trails along the Fraser River |
5.0 m |
Post a flood advisory on the Township’s website and social media feeds (@LangleyTownship) for both protected and unprotected areas |
5.5 m |
6.1 m |
Augment daily inspections, if required, to twice daily and begin to patrol roads for flooding |
6.3 m |
Based on site conditions, door-to-door evacuations may begin for unprotected areas |
Rain storm flooding prevention for home and business owners
During peak storm periods, conditions can change quickly. In the event of heavy rain, blockages can lead to a serious flooding problem on private as well as public property. To minimize potential problems, here are a few things you can do at home:
Clear gutters and storm drains
Ensure the Township gutters and storm drains (inlet drains) around your property are clear of leaves, garbage, and other debris. To help prevent flooding in your neighbourhood, remove debris from nearby gutters, as it can take crews several hours to clear blockages during a storm.
Clean your foundation drains
Perimeter drains, installed slightly below the house foundation, collect water from your house and property and direct it out to the Township storm sewer. The drains need to be periodically flushed or cleaned of yard waste and debris. If they are very old, they may need to be replaced. If they are not maintained, the amount of water they can handle is reduced, which can result in household flooding.
Clear ditches and culverts
If you have an open ditch along your property, check that the ditch and culverts are clear, including inside the culvert. Items commonly found in culverts include milk jugs, soccer balls, and other household items from blocked driveway culverts.
Compost yard waste or place it in your Green Cart for pickup
Don’t rake leaves onto the street or into open ditches. If you have a large amount of leaf litter or green waste, you can put out additional 80 L cans marked with a GreenCan decal or use Kraft paper bags for pickup. Learn more at: tol.ca/greencart.
Roof drains and splash pads
If your down pipes are connected to a hole near the house foundation, your down pipes are likely connected to your perimeter drains. These down pipes take rainfall from your roof gutters to the perimeter drains around your house foundation. This can cause excessive flow to your foundation drains and result in flooding of your house. To prevent this, direct your home’s down pipes onto splash pads. This allows rainfall from your roof to soak into your lawn and garden.
After heavy snowfall
After periods of heavy snowfall, these are some additional steps residents should take to protect their properties from flooding:
- If you are aware of a catch basin located on your street adjacent to your property, remove any snow from its surface. Snow-covered storm drains prevent the melting snow from properly draining into the Township’s storm sewer system. This may result in water ponding and potentially impacting properties within proximity to the storm drains.
- Clear any drains you may have on your own property to help drain water away from your house.
- Take extra precautions when driving. Puddles on streets may be deeper than what they appear and may cause loss of vehicle control.
Storm preparedness
Read more information here and tips on rain, wind, and snow storm preparedness, and options for seeking support and shelter.
Tips to keep in mind
- If you see pooling of water or flooding on the street, call the Engineering Division at 604-532-7300 on weekdays between 8:30am and 4:30pm. For weekend, stat holidays and after-hours flooding emergencies, call 604-543-6722.
- Emergencies can strike anytime. Prepare yourself and your family by taking just a few simple steps: Know the risks, make a plan, and prepare an emergency kit.
- Sand is available at the Township of Langley Operations Centre at 4700 - 224 Street, 24 hours a day. Sandbags are available during regular business hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Please bring a shovel.
- If a road is closed due to flooding, do not attempt to drive through the closure, even if you feel your vehicle is capable of doing so. Follow all signage and detour directions.
- If you are already dealing with a major flood on your property, learn how to apply for provincial disaster financial assistance.
- Please remain vigilant near fast moving water as banks and areas in close proximity to rivers and streams may be unsafe.
Stay in the loop
Sign up for eNews to receive email notifications from the Township regarding flood prevention, emergency preparedness, and more.
To report a public works emergency after-hours (evenings, weekend, and statutory holidays), call 604-543-6722.
Related links
- Rain, wind, and snow storm preparedness tips
- Flood prone zones in the Township of Langley
- Stream work or repairs on private property
- Prepare for Emergencies
- Flood Preparation Brochure
- Prepared BC: Household Preparedness Guide (gov.bc.ca)
- Know before you go - travel advisories
- Langley Emergency Program
- Emergency Management BC
- Ministry of Environment River Forecast Centre
- Lower Mainland Dike Inventory Maps (Map #17)
Support Services
- Financial assistance in a disaster - Province of British Columbia
- Disaster recovery information - BC Government
- 211 by the United Way
- United Way of BC
- Langley Community Services Society - LCSS
- Encompass Support Services Society
- Canadian Red Cross Disaster Relief, Recovery and Supports
- Canadian Red Cross Community Support