Natural Areas
Several provincial and federal regulations and acts, as well as local bylaws, exist to protect watercourses, fish and wildlife species, and riparian habitat. For more information on conducting works in and around a watercourse (such as channel maintenance, culvert works, and vegetation removal), see our ‘How Do I’ Guide on Instream Works and Watercourse Maintenance for more information.
Beavers and beaver dam management
Landowners are responsible for all beaver management activities, costs, and applicable regulatory agency contacts. For information on how best to manage beavers and beaver dams, see the Beaver and Beaver Dam Management guide.
Invasive species
Invasive species lack the natural predators and diseases which keep them in check in their native habitats. These species can reproduce and spread disturbing local habitats and outcompeting native plants and animals. Residents are responsible for controlling invasive species on their properties.
European Lymantria moth
The North American strain of the European Lymantria moth (Lymantria dispar; formerly referred to as “gypsy moth,” now commonly known as “spongy moth”) was first seen in BC in 1978. Once Lymantria moths arrive in an area, they threaten extensive damage to the environment and economy. To prevent populations from becoming established in BC, the goal of Lymantria moth management is eradication.
In spring 2024, the provincial Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) will undertake aerial pesticide treatments to address locations where Lymantria moths were identified.
Several areas throughout the province will receive aerial treatments.
Find the pesticide use permit, full program details and tentative aerial treatment dates, including dates for the Township, on the Ministry’s Lymantria Moth News webpage.
Tree and wildlife protection
The Township of Langley is home to beautiful scenery, natural landscapes and wildlife habitat.
Through adoption of the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, and the Tree Protection Bylaw, Council has ensured protection of our urban forest for future generations. These bylaws apply to established and significant trees located on non-Agricultural Land Reserve land where a development application has been submitted, or where private property owners wish to remove or cut trees. They also provide for the retention, protection and replacement of trees.
The Township is also currently developing a Community Forest Management Strategy which provides an opportunity for the community to help establish a shared vision and priorities for community forest management over the coming decades.
The federal Migratory Birds Convention Act, federal Species at Risk Act and the provincial Wildlife Act protect certain bird species, all active bird nests and unoccupied nests of select bird species (i.e. eagle, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, osprey, heron or burrowing owl). Tree-cutting should be avoided during the bird nesting season, and property owners should seek the advice of a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) regarding bird nest season timing.
If tree cutting is proposed during the bird nesting season, landowners should retain a QEP to complete an assessment to confirm that tree cutting can proceed in compliance with provincial and federal legislation.
Site clearing is generally not permitted between March and August, according to the Provincial Wildlife Act and International Migratory Bird Convention Act. Clearing during this period requires specific approval from the Ministry of Environment, or the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
The Township does not administer this process. The provincial Wildlife Act is enforced by the Ministry of Environment's Conservation Officer Service.
Anyone who witnesses a violation is asked to call the Ministry of Environment's 'Report All Poachers and Polluters' toll-free hotline at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP). Violation reports can also be made on the Ministry's website.