These are the people we count on to keep our community safe. The Langley RCMP creates a safer community through enforcement, education and awareness. From investigating serious offences to working with residents and businesses to reduce crime, the police department targets hot spots, responds to public safety issues and provides programs to solve problems. Superintendent Adrian Marsden is the RCMP Langley Detachment Officer in Charge.
Victims of crime and traumatic events are provided support through the RCMP, and staff members interact with the public, regional police organizations and the media. General duty members follow up on over 150 calls per day, while the traffic section helps reduce collisions through education, enforcement and engineering.
The RCMP now offers an online crime reporting tool. View the details and access the tool here.
Looking for an opportunity to prevent crime and make a difference in your community? Learn more about our volunteer programs.
Contact information: 604-532-3200 or langleyrcmp@rcmp-grc.gc.ca