The information below is for townhome, row home and mobile home complexes that receive Township garbage and Green Cart collection. If your complex has private garbage and organics collection, contact your property manager for information about collection in your complex.
The Township provides blue box recycling service to all residential properties.
Green Cart
Size: 80L
Collected weekly
For organic material: food scraps, yard trimmings, and soiled paper
Garbage cart
Size: 120L
Collected every other week
For garbage
Boxes and bag
Collected weekly
For recycling: containers, paper, and glass bottles and jars
Collection schedule
See a collection schedule for your property, or pick up a calendar at many Township facilities.
Cart sizes and rates
Learn more about available cart sizes and rates.
Frequently asked questions
How does the collection program work? |
Properties have two collection carts: one for garbage (grey lid) and one Green Cart for organic material such as food waste, yard trimmings, and soiled paper (green lid). Garbage is collected every other week; similar to Abbotsford, Surrey, and Vancouver. The Green Cart and recycling are collected weekly. Recycling uses the blue box and bag system. |
What should I do if I don’t have carts? |
First, make sure your property falls within the garbage collection zone. If you have not received carts, or you recently moved and there are no carts at your new property, visit our Submit a Cart Request page. |
How do I know when my garbage will be collected? |
A collection schedule for your property is available at or you can pick up a calendar at many Township facilities. Need a collection reminder? Sign up for a call, text, or tweet at |
What size carts did I receive? |
Townhomes received an 80L Green Cart and a 120L garbage cart. These sizes were tested and considered the best for townhome garage space restraints and Township collection trucks. |
What if I want to change my cart size? |
Additional carts and exchanges can be requested online at Submit a Cart Request. All requests will be subject to a $50 administration fee per cart delivered or exchanged. |
What if my Garbage or Green Cart is too small for the amount of waste our household produces? |
Green CartAdditional Green Carts are not available. Extra yard trimmings may be put out in paper bags or 80 L cans marked with a “Green Can”** or “Yard Trimmings” decal. Twigs and branches can be bundled using garden string or twine (no wire, nylon rope, or plastic strapping).
**Free Green Can decals are available at Township facilities GarbageMost properties can avoid additional fees by maximizing use of the Green Cart and recycling programs. 60-70% of household waste can be recycled or composted. If your property is still generating too much garbage for your cart, you can choose from the following options: Extra garbage stickersHouseholds that occasionally produce extra garbage can purchase Extra Garbage stickers for $3/bag or 80L can. Extra garbage will only be picked up on days designated for garbage pick-up (see your collection calendar). Stickers are available for purchase at these participating retail locations:
Extra Garbage stickers are also available by mail. To order, call Township Customer Service at 604-534-3211. Additional CartsProperties that regularly produce excess garbage may obtain up to two (2) additional garbage carts for their property. Additional fees will be applied to your annual tax notice. Please see Cart Sizes and Rates – Townhome for more information. |
How will the program affect my taxes? |
The annual garbage fee is dependent on the size and number of garbage carts you have. If townhome, rowhome, and mobile home properties use the standard 120L garbage cart provided, they will pay a lower annual rate. If your property needs a larger 240L garbage cart (or two 120L garbage carts) you will pay a higher annual rate. See Cart Sizes and Rates – Townhome for more information. |
What are my cart size options and fees? |
See Cart Sizes and Rates - Townhome. |
My Green Cart is larger than I need. Can I have a smaller one? |
The 80L size provided is the smallest size that will fit on the semi-automated collection truck. Please put your Green Cart out regularly, even if it isn’t full. |
Why does the Township have biweekly (every other week) garbage collection? Do other municipalities do this? |
Research from across North America shows that moving to biweekly garbage collection will maximize the amount of food scraps being diverted from landfills and incinerators. Other municipalities in the Metro Vancouver region are using this collection schedule, including Surrey, Abbotsford, and Vancouver. |
If you only pick up garbage every two weeks, won't there be an issue with smell, rodents, and pests? |
Most of the material that will cause odours or attract pests will be in the Green Cart that is picked up every week. To mitigate concerns about odours, wrap your food scraps in paper, keep your lid closed, and put your cart out every collection day, even if it isn’t full. |
How can I keep my Green Cart clean? |
Here are some tips:
Why wasn't my garbage or Green Cart collected this week? |
Common reasons are:
Look for a tag on your cart to explain why it was not collected. If you have additional questions or need further assistance, call Sierra Waste Services at 604-530-3939. If you are still not satisfied, call us at 604-532-3533. |
Why are food scraps no longer allowed in the garbage? |
Food scraps comprise about 40% to 50% of household waste, and garbage disposal costs are significantly higher than recycling and composting. As of January 1, 2015, food scraps are banned from Metro Vancouver landfills and transfer stations. |
When did separating food scraps from the garbage become mandatory in the Township? |
The Solid Waste Management Bylaw 2011 No. 4845 was approved summer 2011. The bylaw requires food scraps to be separated from regular garbage. |
I already compost. Why must I have a Green Cart? |
Having a Green Cart solves the problem of what to do with meat, cooked food, and dairy products. Meat, bones, dairy, and cooked food should not go in backyard composters as they create odour and attract pests. |
Why can't I use compostable or biodegradable plastic bags to line my kitchen container or Green Cart? |
These bags do not compost quickly enough for local composting facilities and cannot be accepted in municipal collection. Instead, use paper bags designed for food waste or wrap your food scraps in newsprint. |
Now that I have carts, what do I do with my old cans? |
If you have higher volumes of yard trimmings at certain times of year (e.g. leaves in the fall), we recommend keeping your 80L Green Can or Yard Trimmings cans, marked with a Green Can decal, for these times. If you plan to occasionally put out extra garbage using Extra Garbage stickers, you may also wish to keep a garbage can. Here are some other ideas of how you can reuse or upcycle your old cans: To dispose of an old can, arrange a Large Item Pick Up* through Sierra Waste Services at 604-530-3939. *residents are entitled to 4 large items picked up per year by appointment.
My complex has private garbage collection. Can I participate in the Township program? |
The cart program is available by request to all townhome, rowhome, and mobile home complexes within our garbage collection zones. All units in the complex must agree to the service; individual units cannot opt in or out. Have your strata council or property manager contact us at 604-532-3533 for more details. |
I'm moving. What should I do with my carts? |
Carts are linked to the property address and should stay at the property. Please clean out your carts and leave them behind for the next resident. If you are moving within the Township to a property that receives municipal garbage collection and there are no carts when you move in, contact us at or 604-532-3533. |
Other questions? Contact us
Cart Information Line: 604-532-3533