Agricultural Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) is to provide advice on public policies and priorities to advance the Township of Langley Sustainability Charter, specifically the following objectives:
- Strengthen the agricultural economy
- Recognize the rural character as an essential community feature
- Protect views, characteristic landscapes, and rural roads
- Preserve the agricultural land base for food production
2024 appointed membership
Front row (left to right):
Amanda Smith, Chelsea Allison, John Caldarella
Back row (left to right):
Councillor Michael Pratt, Johanna Walker, Rayburn Ross, Oeds Smid, Jacob Green, AJ Cheema, Councillor Rob Rindt, Andy Hamer
Gurprit Brar
The mandate of the Agricultural Advisory Committee is to establish, facilitate and maintain communication between the rural/agricultural community and Council regarding rural issues. The committee will advocate for the rural/agricultural perspective and make recommendations on all aspects of the rural community, including land use, municipal services/infrastructure, environmental issues, and socio-economic matters. The committee will assist in developing and implementing a strategy to sustain the agricultural community, improve agricultural viability, encourage the advancement of agriculture while respecting rural lifestyles, and enhance “good neighbour” communications.
In making its appointments to the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Council will consider the Township’s geographic and agricultural diversity, and appoint applicants who possess knowledge and expertise in farming, agri-business, agri-tourism and food systems planning. Applications are accepted each year during the month of October for members to start in January.
Meeting Dates
The committee meets the fourth Wednesday of every month, except July and August. Refer to the Council calendar for meeting dates.