Grants and Funding Received by the Township
Road, Cycling and Pedestrian Improvements | ||
Funding Partner: TransLink Value: $4,015,169 Awarded: 2023 The Road, Cycling and Pedestrian Improvements program supports municipalities with maintaining, upgrading, and building new transportation infrastructure throughout Metro Vancouver. The funding will support multiple projects in the Township of Langley.
Canada Community-Building Fund | ||
Funding Partner: The Government of Canada via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Works Fund and Trans Mountain Value: $2,000,000 and $1,000,000 The Government of Canada’s Canada Community-Building Fund provides funding to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities, to support local infrastructure priorities. The Township of Langley is a recipient of this funding, helping the municipality to undertake upgrades and additions to Yorkson Community Park.
Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program | ||
Funding Partner: Province of British Columbia Value: $1,000,000 Awarded: February 2023 The Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program provides funding cost sharing for BC Communities to make it easier and safer for people to walk, ride or roll using active transportation modes. The funding will support multi-use paths along Fraser Highway in the Township of Langley.
Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $1,000,000 Awarded: May 2023 The intent of the Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation funding stream is to support eligible applicants to reduce risks from future disasters due to natural hazards and climate-related risks. The funding will support The 56 Avenue and 24200 block slope stability project in the Township of Langley.
Destination Development Fund | ||
Funding Partner: Province of British Columbia Value: $1,000,000 Awarded: November 2023 The Destination Development Fund provides one-time grants to support the development and rejuvenation of tourism infrastructure, assets and experiences. The funding will support the acquisition and installation of leading-edge audio-visual equipment for salishan Place by the River.
Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $890,000 Awarded: November 2023 The intent of the Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation funding stream is to support eligible applicants to reduce risks from future disasters due to natural hazards and climate-related risks. The funding will support bank stabilization work on the Salmon River in the of Township of Langley and Anderson Creek flood plain mapping.
Next Generation 911 | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $530,000 Awarded: September 2023 the Next Generation 911 funding program is to support local preparedness for the implementation of NG911, and to provide funding to eligible recipients to support the transition and operational readiness of existing 911 services to NG911, in compliance with the CRTC Mandate. This funding will support the Township of Langley in Implementing Next Generation 911 technology.
Road Safety Improvement Program | ||
Funding Partner: Insurance Corporation of BC Value: $374,500 Awarded: September 2023 The Road Safety Improvement Program supports projects across BC in making roads safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The funding will support 14 transportation infrastructure projects in the Township of Langley.
Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Fund | ||
Funding Partner: Natural Resources Canada Value: $315,000 Awarded: September 2023 The Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Fund provides funding towards the deployment of electric vehicle chargers and hydrogen refuelling stations across Canada. The funding will support the installation of EV chargers at multiple Township of Langley facilities.
Canada Community Revitalization Fund | ||
Funding Partner: Pacific Canada Economic Development Value: $230,000 Awarded: November 2023 The Canada Community Revitalization Fund is national infrastructure program to revitalize communities across Canada. The funding will support creation of phase two of a plaza within the Arts, Sports & Entertainment district in the south west area of Willoughby Community Park.
New Construction of Energy Efficient Facilities Program | ||
Funding Partner: Federation of Canadian Municipalities Value: $175,000 Awarded: January 2023 The New Construction of Energy Efficient Facilities Program supports new construction studies for highly efficient municipal and community buildings. The funding will support a study to inform future plans for constructing new fire halls in the Township of Langley.
Canada Community-Building Fund | ||
Funding Partner: The Government of Canada via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Works Fund Value: $130,000 The Government of Canada’s Canada Community-Building Fund provides funding to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities, to support local infrastructure priorities. The Township of Langley is a recipient of this funding, helping the municipality to undertake construction of a covered gathering area in Aldergrove Athletic Park.
Active Transportation Fund – Planning Projects | ||
Funding Partner: Infrastructure Canada Value: $99,973 Awarded: January 2023 The Active Transportation Fund invests in projects that build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges, in addition to supporting active transportation planning and stakeholder engagement activities. This funding will support the Township of Langley with an Active Transportation Network Assessment and an Active Transportation Data Collection Strategy.
Poverty Reduction Planning and Action | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $50,000 Awarded: June 2023 The Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program supports local governments in reducing poverty at the local level. The funding will support mobilizing poverty action in the Township of Langley.
BC Fairs, Festivals and Events Fund | ||
Funding Partner: Province of British Columbia Value: $19,900 Awarded: March 2023 The B.C. Fairs, Festivals and Events fund (the BCFFE Fund) helps community event organizations recover from ongoing challenges related to cost increases, reduced revenue and sponsorships, rising costs of equipment and services, and severe weather events. The funding will support Canada Day 2023 celebrations in the Township of Langley.
Road, Cycling and Pedestrian Improvements | ||
Funding Partner: TransLink Value: $4,413,371 Awarded: 2022 The Road, Cycling and Pedestrian Improvements program supports municipalities with maintaining, upgrading, and building new transportation infrastructure throughout Metro Vancouver. The funding will support multiple projects in the Township of Langley.
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings | ||
Funding Partner: Government of Canada Value: $777,618 Awarded: August 2022 Funding provided by the Government of Canada will support green upgrades at salishan Place by the River that will improve the building’s energy consumption by over 60%, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 128 tonnes annually.
Rail Safety Improvement Program | ||
Funding Partner: Transport Canada Value: $257,313 Awarded: May 2022 The Rail Safety Improvement Program provides funding for projects that improve infrastructure or propose research or new technologies to increase safety at grade crossings and along rail lines or that address or prevent the impact of climate change and extreme weather along rail lines. The funding will increase safety at grade rail crossing at Mile 24.25 248 Street and Mile 26.37 64 Avenue.
Road Safety Improvement Program | ||
Funding Partner: Insurance Corporation of BC Value: $256,500 Awarded: September 2022 The Road Safety Improvement Program supports projects across BC in making roads safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The funding will support 17 transportation infrastructure projects in the Township of Langley.
Rail Safety Improvement Program | ||
Funding Partner: Transport Canada Value: $234,336 Awarded: May 2022 The Rail Safety Improvement Program provides funding for projects that improve infrastructure or propose research or new technologies to increase safety at grade crossings and along rail lines or that address or prevent the impact of climate change and extreme weather along rail lines. The funding will increase safety in the 19600 block of Telegraph Trail.
Community Buildings Retrofit Initiative - Low Carbon Retrofit Plans | ||
Funding Partner: Federation of Canadian Municipalities Value: $200,000 Awarded: July 2022 The Community Buildings Retrofit (CBR) initiative supports local governments and not-for-profit organizations in retrofitting public buildings to improve energy performance, lower operating and maintenance costs, and transition to cleaner energy solutions over time. The funding will support low carbon retrofits in Township of Langley facilities.
Canada Healthy Communities Initiative | ||
Funding partner: Government of Canada, through the Community Foundations of Canada Value: $74,000 Awarded: March 2022 By creating a protected and accessible active mobility corridor connecting residential and destination commercial areas, and by expanding outdoor gathering spaces for social interaction, Township residents will have increased opportunities to travel in safe, healthy, inclusive, and sustainable ways to local destinations.
Poverty Reduction Planning and Action | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $50,000 Awarded: April 2022 The Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program supports local governments in reducing poverty at the local level. The funding will support the Aldergrove Community Station House Food Program.
Poverty Reduction Planning & Action Program (Stream 2) | ||
Funding Partner: Province of B.C., through the Union of B.C. Municipalities Value: $50,000 Awarded: April 2022 The Poverty Reduction Planning and Action Program grant funding is being used to undertake a local poverty reduction project.
Local Government Partnership Program | ||
Funding Partners: Government of Canada & Province of B.C., through the Investment Agriculture Foundation Value: $40,000 Awarded: February 2022 The Township of Langley will be undertaking and Agriculture Sector inventory and Capacity Study that will work with sector stakeholders to inventory agribusinesses in the Township and their capacity, as well review gaps and opportunities in the Agricultural Viability Strategy.
Interface Fire Management Grant | ||
Funding partner: The Province of British Columbia via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Resiliency Investment Program Value: $38,500 Awarded: March 2022 Through funding provided by the Province of BC, the UBCM Community Resiliency Investment Program provides funding for communities to undertake FireSmart planning and activities that increase community resiliency and reduce risk from wildfire.
150 Time Immemorial Grant | ||
Funding Partner: Heritage BC Value: $35,000 Awarded: February 2022 The 150 Time Immemorial Grant supports reconciliation, learning, diversity, inclusivity, and resiliency through cultural heritage infrastructure, awareness, and planning. The funding will support research to form the Semiahmoo Interpretive Trail within the Booth, Fernridge and Rinn neighbourhoods.
Extreme Heat Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $30,000 Awarded: August 2022 The Extreme Heat Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning supports municipalities to ensure they have accurate knowledge of the risks associated with extreme temperatures and how these risks will change over time, and to develop effective response plans and strategies to prepare, mitigate and adapt to those risks. The funding will support a detailed study of select parks in the Township of Langley to assess shade and hydration opportunities as well as take temperature readings of various surfaces and playground equipment during a summer heat event.
Asset Management Program | ||
Funding Partner: Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $25,000 Awarded: November 2022 The Asset Management Program supports planning grants, training subsidies, and the development of asset management resources. The funding will support development of a Utilities Asset Management Plan for the Township of Langley.
Age Friendly Communities Grant | ||
Funding Partner: BC Healthy Communities Value: $15,000 Awarded: August 2022 The Age Friendly Communities Grant provides funding aimed at helping BC seniors lead independent, active lives. The funding will support skill and story sharing activities involving older adults in the Township of Langley.
Road, Cycling and Pedestrian Improvements | ||||||||||
Funding partner: TransLink Value: $2,996,900 Awarded: July 2021 With contributions from TransLink’s Municipal Funding Program (MFP), the Township of Langley will upgrade multi-use pathways, cycling paths, and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the municipality. In 2021, four capital projects received MFP funding, in addition to allocated funding through the municipal budget.
Strengthening Communities’ Services Program | ||
Funding partner: Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $2,500,000 Awarded: August 2021 The Strengthening Communities’ Services Program aims to address challenges, exacerbated by COVID-19, faced by some of the most vulnerable members of the community.
W.C. Blair Recreation Centre Expansion | ||
Value: $2,043,463 Awarded: June 2021 This grant funding will accommodate pandemic protocols and community needs by increasing capacity and improving service at W.C. Blair Recreation Centre.
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program | ||
Funding partner: Province of British Columbia & Government of Canada Value: $1,269,972 Awarded: November 2021 The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program provides long-term, stable funding delivered by Infrastructure Canada and the Province of British Columbia. The Township of Langley is a recipient of this funding, supporting the Yorkson Lowlands Stormwater Management and Ecological Restoration Project.
Road, Transportation, and Traffic Improvements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Funding partner: ICBC Value: $502,000 Awarded: 2021 Contributions from ICBC’s Road Improvement Program help upgrade transportation infrastructure throughout the municipality. In 2021,19 capital projects received Road Improvement Program funding, in addition to allocated funding through the municipal budget.
Local Government Development Approvals Program | ||
Funding partner: The Province of British Columbia via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $500,000 Awarded: September 2021 The Local Government Development Approvals Program funding will help the Township digitize the development application process for a more efficient and innovative experience.
Community Works Fund | ||
Funding partner: The Government of Canada via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Works Fund Value: $463,880 The Government of Canada’s Canada Community-Building Fund (formally the Gas Tax Fund) provides funding to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities, to support local infrastructure priorities. The Township of Langley is a recipient of this funding, helping the municipality to undertake several engineering projects.
Poverty Reduction Planning and Action Program (Stream 1) | ||
Funding partner: The Province of British Columbia via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Value: $25,000 Awarded: May 2021 The Poverty Reduction Planning and Action Program grant funding will be used to support the development of a strategic plan for the Langley Poverty Reduction Task Group. The grant funding will also be used for development of poverty-related best practices to inform the preparation of a new Transportation and Mobility Strategy, part of the larger Climate Action Strategy.
Road, Cycling, and Pedestrian Improvements | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Funding partner: TransLink Value: $4,030,130 Awarded: 2020 Contributions from TransLink’s Municipal Funding Program (MFP) help upgrade multi-use pathways, cycling paths and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the municipality. In 2020, nine capital projects received MFP funding, in addition to allocated funding through the municipal budget.
Road, Transportation, and Traffic Improvements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Funding partner: ICBC Value: $300,500 Awarded: 2020 Contributions from ICBC’s Road Improvement Program help upgrade transportation infrastructure throughout the municipality. In 2020, 19 capital projects received Road Improvement Program funding, in addition to allocated funding through the municipal budget.
Community Works Fund | ||
Funding partner: The Government of Canada via Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Works Fund Value: $269,836 The Government of Canada’s Canada Community-Building Fund (formally the Gas Tax Fund) provides funding to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities, to support local infrastructure priorities. The Township of Langley is a recipient of this funding, helping the municipality to undertake several engineering projects.
Municipal Asset Management Program | ||
Funding partner: Federation of Canadian Municipalities Value: $50,000 Awarded: July 2020 This grant allows the Township to update its Stormwater Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (SIAMP). The SIAMP aims to help the Township maximize value from its stormwater assets while providing enhanced service levels for residents and promoting green initiatives.
Salishan Place by the River (Canada Cultural Spaces Fund) | ||
Funding partner: Government of Canada Value: $3,000,000 Awarded: September 2019 The Township of Langley is very pleased to receive $3 million from the Government of Canada in support of a new 36,000-square-foot cultural centre and museum complex in Fort Langley.