Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee
The Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee (RCPAC) is a Council-appointed body established to represent the community, and assist the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division to deliver services that best meet the needs of Township residents.
The purpose of the committee is to:
- Represent the public;
- Advise Council;
- Advise the Parks and Recreation Division;
- Develop policies and procedures;
- Interpret policies and decisions to the public;
- Plan for the future.
2024 appointed membership
Front Row (left to right):
Shannon Cook, Erin Barbour, Ana Bayona
Back Row (left to right):
Tristan Taylor, Rob Stare, Councillor Misty vanPopta, Gareth Abreo, Ramandeep Jhaj, Councillor Tim Baillie
Dave Kang, Gaith Sarhan, Holly Dickinson
The Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee is an advisory body established to focus on public leisure services in Langley, and to assist the Corporation to deliver services which best meet the needs of Langley citizens. It will respond to requests by the citizens, the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division, and Council for analysis, comment, and advice. It will also take the initiative of providing advice on matters it believes are important. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Committee will get involved in matters of public policy, service levels, and establishing priorities. It will also deal with specific issues or problems that might arise. It may cause plans to be developed and participate in the planning process. It may have input to annual budgets.
Council will consider Langley's diversity, and appoint applications who possess knowledge, experience, or interest in areas of recreation and sport, arts and culture, parks and environment, marketing and business services, and with a broad range of public interest. Applications are accepted each year during the month of October for members to start in January.
Meeting dates
The committee meets the second Wednesday of every month, except for July and August. Refer to the Council calendar for meeting dates.