Food Truck Inspections

Food trucks and other Mobile Outdoor Food Service Units (MOFSU) wishing to operate in the Township of Langley must pass an annual fire inspection through the Greater Vancouver Fire Chief’s Association (GVFCA) inspection program.

The information below is provided to guide food truck and MOFSU vendors on how to book and prepare for an inspection with the Township of Langley Fire Department.

Before booking an inspection

Vendors should review the GVFCA Safety Requirements and ensure they have all applicable certifications. Under the Safety Standards Act, this includes a certified inspection tag verifying that gas and electrical operation has been approved.

Mobile food trucks, trailers and/or carts that arrive for an inspection without a certified inspection tag displayed will not be able to proceed with the inspection.

Inspections must take place at least two weeks prior to the event/date you plan to operate.

Book an inspection

Food truck and MOFSU inspections with the Township of Langley Fire Department are currently unavailable.

The Greater Vancouver Fire Chiefs’ Association (GVFCA) will be hosting two inspection dates: one on Wednesday, April 2, at the gravel sports field at Burnaby Lake, and another on April 8 at the Abbotsford Exhibition Grounds. Please check back soon as more details on how to book. 

Arriving for inspection

Food truck inspections mapVendors must follow the below parking instructions so as to not obstruct any fire apparatus’ response routes.

  • Inspections are held at Fire Hall 6 – Murrayville, 22170 – 50 Avenue.
  • Vendors must enter using the east entrance on 50 Avenue.
  • Drive to the back of the building and park your vehicle in front of the dumpsters.
  • The vehicle must be reversed so that it is facing north towards 50 Avenue.
  • Remain with your vehicle and an inspector will come to you.

After an inspection

Upon passing inspection, compliant food trucks/MOFSU will be issued a Lower Mainland Food Vendor Sticker (decal), indicating that all relevant fire and life safety requirements were met at the time of inspection.

Please note that obtaining a decal does not exempt vendors from complying with other municipal bylaw requirements related to Business Licensing, Zoning and other applicable regulations.

Vendors only require one decal to operate in all municipalities that are part of the GVFCA inspection program, spanning from Whistler to Chilliwack. Decals are issued annually and can be obtained from any participating fire department.

List of participating municipalities

Full list
MunicipalityPhone number
Abbotsford 604-853-3566
Burnaby 604-294-7195
Chilliwack 604-792-8713
Coquitlam 604-927-6400
Delta 604-946-8541
Langley (City) 604-514-2880
Langley (Township) 604-532-7500
Maple Ridge 604-463-5880
Mission  604-820-3793
New Westminster  604-519-1000
North Vancouver (City)  604-980-5021
North Vancouver (District)  604-980-7575
Port Coquitlam  604-927-5466
Port Moody  604-469-7795
Richmond  604-278-5131
Squamish  604-898-9666
Surrey  604-543-6780
West Vancouver  604-925-7370
Whistler  604-935-8260
White Rock  604-541-2121

Related information

Learn more about the GVFCA inspection program and other safety requirements for Food Trucks and MOFSU.