Keep Cool in the Township of Langley

When Environment Canada issues an Extreme Heat Warning

Enjoy time outside while staying safe and protecting your health.

Use these helpful tips to keep cool:

  • Seek cooler, breezier areas when outdoors, such as large parks near to water with lots of trees.
  • Take it slow with outdoor activities – rest and relax often if you feel fatigued.
  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible; remember temperatures are typically at their highest between 11am and 4pm.
  • Stay hydrated – drink water regularly, even more than you think you need.
  • Stock up on items like sunscreen, water bottles, sunglasses, sun hats, wading pools, spritz bottles or other items to help you cool down.
  • Skip heavy foods, and opt for salads, sandwiches, fruits and vegetables instead. Cook food in an outdoor barbeque or microwave. Avoid using heat-producing appliances like the stove, oven, dishwasher and dryer to avoid generating extra heat. Even smaller appliances, such as laptops and toasters, are best unplugged.
  • NEVER leave children or pets alone in a parked car. Temperatures can rise rapidly in enclosed vehicles, becoming much hotter than the outdoor temperature.

Know the signs of heat-related illnesses

Review the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses so you can identify problems and seek help.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion could include rashes, muscle cramps, dizziness or fainting, and headache. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should move to a cool place and drink water.

Symptoms of heat stroke, which is considered a medical emergency, include a high body temperature, dizziness or fainting, and confusion and lack of coordination. In these cases, call 911.

Here are a few ways to stay cool in the Township when temperatures rise:

Nearby regional parks with shade include:

When the Province of BC issues an Extreme Heat Emergency

When temperatures are expected to be dangerously hot and pose a significant risk to human life and health, particularly for older adults.

Please help keep our community safe by checking in on friends, family and neighbours, particularly if they are elderly and/or living alone.

High temperatures inside your home pose the greatest risk during an Extreme Heat Emergency.

Find air-conditioned public spaces and spray parks in the Township of Langley where you can cool off when it’s hot.

Community and recreation centres

Fraser Valley Regional Libraries

Spray parks

Opening dates and hours vary by location. For more information, visit these links: Community and Recreation Centres, Spray Parks, Libraries.

For those in need of shelter

For those in need of shelter, the Gateway of Hope offers support through their Extreme Weather Response Program (EWR). The Gateway of Hope is located at 5787 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC.  For additional information: visit their website here, call: 604-514-7375, or visit in-person: 5787 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC

For more information about shelter availability, visit the BC211 website here or call 2-1-1 or 604-875-6381

Additional tips to keep cool

  • Close blinds and shutters during the daytime and open them at night. Open your windows at night to let in cooler air. Install or use curtains and blinds to help block sunlight and reduce indoor heat. Light-coloured curtains can reflect the sun. Those with south- or west-facing windows can use reflectors which deflect sunlight.
  • Cool showers and misting yourself and your clothing with cool water will help keep you from overheating. If you have air conditioning, use it to take the edge off indoor heat, but don’t over-cool. If you have friends or family without A/C and you have room to spare, consider inviting them to sleep over. Check in with friends, family and neighbours, particularly those who are elderly, socially isolated, or those who have mobility challenges as they may be less able to prepare themselves and their homes. Develop a buddy system and check in with your buddy frequently, especially in the evening and early morning.
  • If you don’t have air-conditioning, take note of the amount of sunlight your home receives at different times of the day, so you know which rooms get the most heat buildup. Shelter in the coolest room in your home and use a fan. Since heat rises, the ground floor or basement are usually cooler spots in the house. Indoor hammocks or the living room couch might be better spots to sleep until temperatures cool down. Keep a pitcher or bottles of water chilling in the fridge and make sure you have ice cubes and ice packs ready to go. Blowing a fan across a pan of ice water can create a cool breeze.
  • Go to malls, movie theatres, coffee shops and restaurants to get out of the heat.
  • If you work from home, arrange to work in the air-conditioned office during the hottest days.
  • Metro Vancouver monitors the latest air quality and weather data from 31 stations in the Lower Fraser Valley and publishes it at and issues air quality advisories when the air gets bad. Sign up to receive direct notifications.

For more information on how to stay safe in the heat, visit Fraser Health.