Not sure where to find Township facilities, want to get involved by volunteering, or appear as a delegation to council? Discover options to connect below.
![Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash](/en/connect/resources/ask-us-a-question/towfiqu-barbhuiya-oZuBNC-6E2s-unsplash-thumb.jpg)
Find contact information for popular services, as well as after hours contact information.
How can we help? Let us know which issue you have questions about or need to report.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) helps promote good Township government.
![Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash](/en/connect/resources/get-involved/hannah-busing-Zyx1bK9mqmA-unsplash-thumb.jpg)
Discover how you can get involved from careers, volunteering, committees, and sharing your voice on matters in the Township.
Discover our facilities as well as explore our wide variety of mapping products and services.
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![Photo by dole777 on Unsplash](/en/connect/resources/stay-connected/dole777-EQSPI11rf68-unsplash-thumb.jpg)
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