Capital Projects
Every year, the Township of Langley plans, builds, and delivers a range of capital projects that have been approved in the Capital Budget as priority investments to help meet current needs.
Major capital projects such as new facilities, amenities, and infrastructure, along with improvement-related capital projects to roads, drainage, sewer, water and parks, all help improve the quality of life in our community.
View information and periodic updates on the major capital projects below, and view information on improvement-related capital projects on this Capital Project Synopsis Map.
Ongoing Major Capital Projects

A new booster pump station to increase water system capacity in Willoughby.
STATUS: Underway

A new park with synthetic fields and other amenities.
STATUS: Planning
Restoration to preserve heritage value and protect a significant historical asset.
STATUS: Planning

Protecting life, property, and the environment.
STATUS: Underway

A new multi-use school and community outdoor space.
STATUS: Underway
Completed Major Capital Projects