Here, you'll find everything from municipal services to sustainability initiatives by the Township.
Can't find what you're looking for? Need to Report a Problem or Submit a Request? Check out our 'Report a Problem' section.

Find out about our animal control, dog licences, mosquito and rodent control, and more.

Find out what the Township is doing to stay competitive, resources for business owners, and film production.

Learn about the Township's services when it comes to COVID-19, Fire, and RCMP.

Find our collection calendars, cart requests, recycling resources, and more.

Discover our services you can access online such as burning permits, grants, maps, and more.

Find out more about property tax statements and rates, homeowner grant information, and payment methods.

Discover our reporting tools including parking, parks and trails, road issues, and more.

Learn more about one of the Township of Langley’s core values to ensure a cleaner, greener Langley for future generations.

Learn more about parking regulations, traffic cameras and impacts, and more.