Red Dot Campaign
Meet the Red Dot
The Red Dot Campaign is a Vancouver-based initiative that aims to reduce the amount of junk mail residents receive.
A Red Dot sticker on or inside your mailbox indicates you no longer wish to receive junk mail. You’ll still receive subscription mail and newspapers, but mail carriers will not deliver any unaddressed mail.
You can also call the Canada Post Customer Service line (1-866-607-6301) and ask to be removed from their Neighbourhood Mail (unaddressed mail) distribution list. This ensures that the number of properties included in mail outs is accurate in their system. For more information, visit Canada Post’s Green Tips.
To learn more about removal from Personalized Mail marketing lists, visit the Canadian Marketing Association’s Do Not Mail Service.
Get the Red Dot
Ready to dump the junk? Pick up your Red Dot from any Township facility.
Can’t make it in? Let us know and we’ll send you a Red Dot Sticker for your mailbox. Fill out our contact form and be sure to include “Red Dot” and your full name and address in your request.
If you would like to start receiving ad mail again, simply remove the sticker, and contact Canada Post at 1-866-607-6301 and request to be re-added to the Neighbourhood Mail list.