Mayor's Messages
View an update to community members on the COVID-19 pandemic made by Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese and Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek. Watch this video of the joint announcement.
Getting through this together, by staying apart. A message from Mayor Froese to community members on continuing the good work to flatten the COVID-19 curve.
Read a message from Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese on the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the video of this message.
View updates on the community’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic made by Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese and Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek.
“We are dealing with an unprecedented situation that is impacting us all, and the health and safety of our residents and staff is of the utmost importance,” said Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese. “How we respond in the days and weeks ahead, both individually and as a community, will be important.”
The Township of Langley is staying up-to-date on information and orders from several levels of government, the Fraser Health Authority, Emergency Management BC and other health authorities.
In keeping with the order of the Provincial Health Officer prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people, all other non-essential gatherings have been cancelled by the Township, which will continue to take direction from health authorities on further closures and cancellations.
- Council Meetings: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing measures, Township of Langley Council has moved to electronic Council meetings. Regular Council meetings and public hearings have been replaced with Special Council meetings which will be held as required, with Council members participating remotely. View the council calendar for upcoming Special Council meeting dates as they are scheduled.
- Special Council Meetings: These meetings are available online and onsite with limited public seating. View council agendas and minutes.
- Special Meetings for the Purpose of a Public Hearing: Written submissions are encouraged as attendance will be limited. Relevant background material may be viewed here and submitted by email.
- All Council advisory committees are suspended until further notice.
“By continuing to work together and supporting each other, we will strive to keep our community healthy and overcome this,” Mayor Froese said.