Film Production
The Township of Langley is one of the most film-friendly municipalities in the Lower Mainland. This has been achieved largely because of you – residents, businesses, and productions that welcome and support balanced, safe, and harmonious filming in our community.
Information for film productions
Information for residents and businesses
Neighbourhood Filming Online Polling Initiative
The Township of Langley is launching a new pilot project to make it easier and more secure for residents and businesses to register their support or non-support for film production companies applying to complete exceptional work in their neighbourhood.
Learn more about this initiative.
Frequently asked questions
What kinds of filming activities require a permit? |
All filming that uses or occupies municipal lands, rights-of-way, and/or buildings, and/or is wholly contained to private property, must be endorsed by the Township of Langley. In addition, every production is required to have a Township of Langley Business Licence, as well as a Communicable Disease Plan as required by WorkSafe BC. For a full description of the application process, please view the Filming Guidelines. |
When do I have to notify residents about filming? |
Every production must notify affected residents of proposed filming through a Township-approved notification letter. If the proposed work takes place outside of bylaw-stipulated hours, every production must issue a Township-approved polling letter to obtain support through a polling survey. |
Where can production vehicles park? |
Only essential production work vehicles will be considered by the Township for permit approval to park on municipal streets. |
I would like to use my property for filming, what do I need to know? |
Property owners interested in registering their private property as a potential filming location can visit Creative BC’s property registration page. Property owners are responsible for negotiating directly with the production company the terms of use for their home and/or private property. The Township remains external to these private negotiations. When Township-approved filming is to take place fronting a business, productions must place approved signage proximate to the business, indicating the business remains open. |
Are there restricted hours for filming in the Township? |
The Township’s Community Standards Bylaw 2019 No. 5448 permits filming and related activities to occur between 7am and 10pm. Curfew extensions must be obtained from the Township’s Filming Department in advance and must be stipulated in the approved municipal Highways Use Permit. In general, filming may be restricted in these instances:
Filming is not permitted in the business core of Fort Langley:
More information on curfew restrictions and obtaining extensions can be found in our Filming Guidelines. |
I believe a film production is not complying with bylaws, what can I do? |
If a Township-approved film production working in your neighbourhood does not appear to comply with municipal bylaws, contact the Bylaw Enforcement Department at 604-532-7551 or The Township maintains a database to both (i) log and track commendations, and to (ii) register legitimate complaints against a non-compliant film production. |
How do film productions support the community? |
Interested productions can make contributions to the Township’s Community Partners in Film Reserve, which funds future small-scale improvements across our community such as playground equipment, park benches and picnic tables. |
Contact us
Our team is available to help you navigate filming in the Township. If you have questions or concerns regarding a specific film production or want to provide input for future consideration, please contact the Filming Department at 604-533-6151 or