Provincial licencing requirements for groundwater users
Under the provincial Water Sustainability Act (WSA), non-domestic groundwater users are required to apply for a water licence and pay water fees and rentals to the provincial government. Learn more.
Provincial advisory for control of flowing wells in the Township
The province has advised on the flowing artesian conditions in BC and has provided a well-drilling advisory for areas in the Township where flowing artesian conditions could be encountered. Read more.
Groundwater Management/Sustainability Plan
Read the Township of Langley Water Management Plan, which sets out to ensure safe and sustainable groundwater for the community for generations to come. Currently, the plan is undergoing a provincial review.
Private Well Network
The Township of Langley's groundwater supply can become contaminated by bacteria, heavy metals, and other chemicals which can threaten common drinking water sources. Residents with private wells can join the Private Well Network.
Water Quality Report
The Township of Langley Water Quality Report provides information on the importance of conserving local groundwater resources and tips on how to protect our drinking water supply.
Water Emergency Plan
The Township maintains a Water Emergency Plan to ensure both regulatory compliance and major emergency response preparedness in the event of a significant incident.
Integrated Stormwater Management Plans
An Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) integrates land use, stormwater management, and environmental values to direct future activities in each Township watershed, where significant development is expected to take place.
Water Wise
Water Wise is an initiative of the Township of Langley's Water Resource Management Strategy. It includes a public outreach and educational program delivered annually throughout the Township with the help of the Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS).
Seasonal water restrictions
Don't waste what we drink! All municipal water delivered to your house is drinking water. Conserve water by limiting outdoor water use. Active water restrictions are in effect May 1 - October 15.