2021 archive
Age- and Dementia-friendly Action Plan |
The Age- and Dementia-friendly Action Plan is the second strategy focused on older adults prepared by the Township since 2014. This updated Plan will sustain Township actions and programs that help people age in the right place and be connected and active for as long as they choose. In recognition of the increasing number of people living with dementia due to population aging, this updated Plan includes a dementia-friendly perspective. STATUS: Completed |
Housing Action Plan Updates |
Thriving, inclusive communities need a diverse and affordable supply of housing. To address the needs of its growing population and housing affordability challenges, the Township of Langley’s updated Housing Action Plan will guide Township housing action over a five year timeframe. The updated Township of Langley Housing Action Plan was endorsed by Council on November 22, 2021. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback throughout development of the updated 2021 Housing Action Plan. STATUS: Completed |
Public Engagement: 216 Street Corridor Study, Phase 2 |
The Township of Langley is conducting the second phase of 216 Street Corridor transportation study, further reviewing the Corridor from Telegraph Trail to 96 Avenue. STATUS: Completed |
Proposed Changes to Tree Protection Bylaw 2019 No. 5478 |
Township of Langley Council adopted changes to the Tree Protection Bylaw 2019, No. 5478 on July 26, 2021. The changes strive to balance needs for streamlined bylaw implementation, while maximizing tree protection and preservation. STATUS: Completed |
Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure: Highway 1–264 Street to Whatcom Road Public Engagement |
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is seeking feedback regarding improvements along the Highway 1 corridor between the 264 Street Interchange and Whatcom Road Interchange. STATUS: Completed |
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure: Highway 1 Public Engagement |
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is planning to widen Highway 1 between 216 Street and 264 Street to improve safety and regional access and is looking for public input to inform the final project design. STATUS: Completed |
Fort Langley Community Park Survey |
We want to hear from you! The outdoor seasonal pool at the Fort Langley Community Park, originally constructed in 1962, has been closed to the public for health and safety reasons. Reopening the pool in its current configuration would require significant upgrades. STATUS: Completed |
Development Permit Second Public Notice and Feedback Opportunity |
Township of Langley Council will consider issuance of the development permit for this application at the Monday, March 22, 2021 Regular Council Meeting. Development Permit No. 101177 Project No. 08-34-0082. STATUS: Completed |
2021-2025 Financial Plan - Budget 2021 |
Township of Langley Council is in the process of deliberating the 2021 – 2025 Five-Year Financial Plan, with emphasis on the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget. STATUS: Completed |
Vote by Mail and Advance Voting Information |
February 27, 2021 is General Voting Day, when Township of Langley voters will choose a new School Trustee, but that’s not the only day to cast a ballot in the upcoming School Trustee By-election. STATUS: Completed |
Seeking Nominees for Volunteer Awards |
Do you know an individual, youth, or a couple who improves life for others and makes a difference in the community? If so, the Township of Langley would like to know about them. Nominations are due Monday, March 1, 2021. STATUS: Completed |