Public Engagement: 216 Street Corridor Study, Phase 2

Update: To ensure all community members have ample opportunity to share their feedback, this engagement has been extended to Friday, July 23. Email your thoughts to and your submission will be captured and included in the engagement summary. Additionally, the project email address will remain active throughout the study. Submissions received after Friday, July 23 will be reviewed in the future during the detailed design stage.
The Township of Langley is conducting the second phase of 216 Street Corridor transportation study, further reviewing the Corridor from Telegraph Trail to 96 Avenue. Take part in the online engagement to share your feedback.
Input gathered the first phase of the study, along with traffic data collected following the completion of the 216 interchange and Highway 1 widening project, were used to update the proposed corridor improvement strategies.
Public Engagement Opportunity
The public is encouraged to review draft concepts and provide feedback on the Corridor.
Visit the 216 Street Corridor: Phase 2 web portal through Friday, July 16 to share your thoughts.
The feedback will help the Township finalize the potential options. Once public input has been reviewed, the final study is planned to be presented to Council this summer.
Image, above: The 216 Street Corridor, from Telegraph Trail to 96 Avenue.
For further information
For questions or concerns regarding the 216 Street Corridor Study, or for more information how on to provide feedback, contact:
Engineering Division
Note: Alternatively, written submissions regarding the 216 Street Corridor study can be mailed to:
Township of Langley
216 Street Corridor Study
20338 - 65 Avenue
Langley, BC V2Y 3J1