Langley Events Centre 2040
Provide your feedback as the Township prepares Langley Events Centre 2040 – a detailed visioning, feasibility study and public engagement process for Township-owned lands at the Langley Events Centre.
LEC 2040 presents an opportunity to advance transit-oriented development in the proposed 200 Street 2040 “Hub” Transit Village at 200 Street and 80 Avenue, and to consider future opportunities to transform these lands into a mixed use Arts, Sports, and Entertainment District, anchored by the existing Langley Events Centre and Willoughby Community Park.
The Langley Events Centre District lands are a part of the 200 Street Corridor, which recently underwent a planning process to draft the 200 Street 2040 plan. The corridor is designated for transit-oriented development by the Province and Township, and will be served by Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The anticipated BRT station at 80 Avenue will anchor "The Hub” - a walkable urban village complete with housing, businesses, services, public spaces, and recreation. The Langley Events Centre District will be a key destination within the Hub, serving Langley with sports, recreation, cultural, and community events, and attracting tourists and visitors from across the region.
The purpose of LEC 2040 is to establish a vision for the Langley Events Centre District lands, and examine the feasibility of future development scenarios. It will include an analysis of current conditions and constraints of the area, potential urban design directions that align with 200 Street 2040, an outline of activities and amenities that support an Arts, Sports, and Entertainment District, and a high-level market analysis. LEC 2040 will guide consideration of future land use and development opportunities.
LEC 2040 will be undertaken through fall 2024 and will include a process of community and stakeholder engagement.
Public engagement opportunities
Open house - October 29, 2024
Thank you to all those who attended this drop-in open house. View the open house information boards here.
Join us at the Langley Events Centre 2040 drop-in open house to find out what we have heard from the community about the proposed Arts, Sports and Entertainment District. Learn more about the project, and provide your feedback on the design direction.
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 5 - 8pm
Location: Langley Events Centre Banquet Hall, 7888 200 Street, Langley
The survey is now closed. Thank you to all those who provided feedback.
Open house - October 1, 2024
Thank you to all those who attended this drop-in open house. View the open house information boards here.
Get involved and attend our initial drop-in open house to learn more about this project, ask questions, and provide feedback.
Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Time: 5 - 8pm
Location: Langley Events Centre Banquet Hall, 7888 200 Street, Langley
If you have specific questions about this initiative, email us at
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