Archaeology in the Township
Archaeological sites consist of the physical remains of past human activity. They are finite, irreplaceable, and highly susceptible to disturbance. Through the methods and techniques employed by archaeologists, they contribute to our understanding of pre-contact and historic period cultural development that is at the root of our communities today.
In British Columbia, archaeological sites are automatically protected under the Heritage Conservation Act, administered by the province in consultation with First Nations. Archaeological sites must not be investigated, damaged, or altered without a permit issued by the BC Archaeology Branch.
When property owners undertake large projects, infrastructure improvements, maintenance, or other land related activities, they are responsible under the Heritage Conservation Act for avoiding or mitigating impacts to archaeological sites. Early planning toward archaeological site protection begins with familiarizing yourself with the requirements of the BC Archaeology Branch prior to beginning your project.
To ensure that archaeological sites are documented and protected as required, archaeological chance find guidelines for residents have been prepared outlining what to do if intact or disturbed artifacts or human remains are uncovered during routine land altering activities. The guidelines include basic archaeological site identification information to assist in identifying some of the most common site features and artifact types that may be encountered in the Township.
While these guidelines are both valuable and helpful, they are only used in areas where known sites and areas of significant potential in the Township have not been identified, and are not a substitute for the prior assessment and evaluation of archaeological resources by a qualified professional when a property owner has been advised by the province that specific conditions need to be addressed for a particular site.
For further information or to report a chance find, contact the BC Archaeology Branch at 250-953-3334.