Community Planning
The Community and Policy Planning division is responsible for preparing plans that help achieve the long-term community vision for “a self-contained ‘community of communities’ evolved through thoughtful renewal and sustainable development practices, in order to provide the best possible quality of life for residents in the rural and urban areas.”
Community planning at the Township of Langley is guided by the Sustainability Charter, which aims to build a legacy for future generations by enabling a lifestyle that is socially, culturally, economically, and environmentally balanced. The Official Community Plan and component Community and Neighbourhood Plans help make the vision a reality by providing policies and actions specific to each area.
Township planning sketch series
Planning in the Township is both complex and exciting! This 4-episode whiteboard sketch series was created to help people understand various aspects of the process and discover how their community is shaped.
Episode 1: planning for growth and change - curious about how community plans are made, the different levels and types of plans in the Township, and why each is needed?
Episode 2: complete communities and small-town character - what is a complete community, and how do they contribute to a healthy lifestyle in the Township?
Episode 3: edge planning - what happens when urban and rural intersect? Protecting and preserving the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and the relations between urban and rural neighbours is important to the Township.
Episode 4: planning and paying for infrastructure – find out how the Township balances timing and cost to plan and fund infrastructure projects through various sources of revenue, including development cost charges, amenity fees, federal and provincial government grants, municipal loans, and general revenue.
Other initiatives
Community and Policy Planning is also responsible for functional plans that provide strategies and policies on specific topics or special areas. Examples of these include:
- Agricultural Viability Strategy
- Climate Action Strategy
- Community Forest Management Strategy
- Heritage Strategy
- Fraser Highway Employment Lands Area Plan
- Langley Events Centre 2040
Contact information
Call 604-533-6034 or email