Housing Action Plan
Thriving, inclusive communities need a diverse and affordable supply of housing. To address the needs of its growing population and housing affordability challenges, the Township of Langley’s updated 2021 Housing Action Plan will guide Township housing action over a five-year timeframe. The updated Township of Langley Housing Action Plan was endorsed by Council on November 22, 2021.
Read the 2021 Housing Action Plan
The Housing Action Plan is designed to be implemented over a five-year timeframe. A number of actions are currently underway or have already been completed. This table was last updated in September 2022.
Housing Action Plan - Action/Implementation
REF # | Action | Implementation |
1B |
Explore opportunities to enhance the adaptable housing policy. | In progress – Work is currently underway to better understand challenges and opportunities with the existing adaptable housing policy. At its May 9, 2022 meeting, Council directed that the adaptable housing policy review include:
2A |
Prepare a policy providing minimum requirements for market and/or non-market rental housing in new strata developments (e.g. rental only zoning and/or inclusionary zoning). | In progress – Research and a financial analysis are currently underway to inform initial policy recommendations for Council's future consideration. |
2D |
Develop policy and regulatory changes that would allow detached accessory dwelling units (e.g. ground-level backyard suites) in some areas. | In progress – Work is currently underway to inform preliminary recommendations for Council's future consideration. |
2F |
As part of the update to the Willowbrook Community Plan and other future community planning processes, consider community-specific policies that require a proportion of new housing units to be market rental and/or non-market rental. | In progress – In anticipation of the Surrey Langley SkyTrain extension, an update to the Willowbrook Community Plan was initiated in late 2021. Requirements for market and non-market rental housing will be considered as part of this update. |
3A |
Collaborate with BC Housing, non-profits and other organizations to address the urgent need for housing for women and children fleeing violence. | In progress – The Township is working with BC Housing and the non-profit sector to address the need for second stage housing. At its July 25, 2022 meeting, Council directed that a report be prepared on the provision of second stage housing, including a pro forma analysis and strategy prepared with BC Housing, as well as an implementation assessment that considers the use of reserve funds. |
3C |
Support the establishment and coordination of a local intersectoral housing and homelessness table to strengthen collaborative action on homelessness. | Complete and ongoing – The Langley Housing and Homelessness Action Table (LHHAT) was established in late 2021. Township representatives participate in LHHAT meetings, and provide administrative support (e.g. meeting agendas and minutes). |
3D |
Support initiatives that raise awareness and address misinformation about homelessness in the community and communicate the benefits of affordable and supportive housing development (e.g. local events and advertising campaigns). | In progress – Through provincial and federal grant funding, the Township is developing initiatives that raise awareness and address misinformation about homelessness. |
4A |
Monitor the floor area and number of bedrooms in new secondary suites and report back to Council. | Complete and ongoing – A memorandum to Council dated July 21, 2022 provided an update on secondary suite sizes. The Township will continue to monitor the floor area and number of bedrooms in new secondary suites. Other actions in the 2021 Housing Action Plan provide an opportunity to further consider secondary suite regulations. |
4B |
Inventory existing and monitor new rental developments to consider the future need for additional protection policies. | In progress – An inventory of existing rental developments is being prepared. |