Present to Council
What is a delegation?
Delegation is a term used to define the process whereby an individual appears before Township of Langley Council to:
- submit a new request for action
- bring Council up-to-date on a project, idea, or concept
Meeting location
Township of Langley Civic Facility
Fraser River Presentation Theatre
4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC
How to speak before council
The following guidelines are useful:
- speak clearly;
- keep presentation brief and to the point;
- allow for extra time at the end for a question and answer period.
The following protocol is followed when addressing Council:
- the Mayor is addressed as “Your Worship” or “Mayor (name)”
- Council members are addressed as “Councillor (name)”
- Staff is addressed by their respective titles (e.g. Manager, Engineering) or by their names (e.g. Mr. Smith)
Delegation request to appear before Township Council
Other ways to submit your delegation request
Complete the delegation request form.
Forward your request using any of the following methods:
- email:
- fax: 604-533-6054
- email or hand-deliver: Legislative Services Department, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 3J1