Applications Sought for Brookswood-Fernridge Neighbourhood Planning Team

As the neighbourhood planning process in the Brookswood-Fernridge area gets underway, a team of community members is being established to provide input, share perspectives, and help shape the future of the neighbourhoods.
The Township of Langley is seeking applications for a 12-member Brookswood-Fernridge Neighbourhood Planning Team (NPT). The Team will be made up of property owners and residents from each of the three neighbourhood plan areas – Booth, Fernridge, and Rinn – along with representatives from the developed areas of Brookswood-Fernridge and members of the community who represent interests such as youth, seniors, or the environment.
The NPT will assist and work alongside Township staff in a conversational, “roundtable” format to offer feedback, review materials, and report back to the community and other organizations on the neighbourhood planning progress and key discussions. The NPT will also assist in establishing three Neighbourhood Planning Sub-Teams for Booth, Fernridge, and Rinn, which will be created following the NPT’s initial meetings.
For online NPT applications and further details, visit Paper applications can be picked up at the customer service desk at the Civic Facility and George Preston Recreation Centre. Deadline for applications is 5:00pm on Thursday, February 28.
The NPT and Sub-Teams will form part of the many public engagement opportunities that will be held over the course of the Brookswood-Fernridge neighbourhood planning process.
A new web page has also been created at that features frequently asked questions and will be regularly updated. The public can visit the page and sign up to receive email notifications at key points throughout the project.
A new Brookswood-Fernridge Community Plan was adopted by Township of Langley Council in October, 2017 to replace the previous, 30-year-old Plan. Staff was directed to begin preparing neighbourhood plans for the south and east portions of the community and an environmental assessment of the area is currently being conducted. On January 21, Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Planning Team.
For more information, email or phone the Neighbourhood Planning Information Line at 604-533-6152.