Best Practices for Draining Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs

Residents with pools and hot tubs often choose to drain and clean their systems between seasons. In most cases, the Township’s storm water drainage systems drain directly into local creeks and rivers. Since swimming pools and hot tubs may contain chemicals such as chlorine, it is important to keep best practices in mind when draining them to help ensure the continued health of our waterways.
Follow these steps to drain your pool or hot tub properly:
1. De-chlorinate the water.
- Depending on its size, let pool stand for up to 10 days.
- De-chlorination can occur naturally in the sun, or use de-chlorination tablets purchased from a local pool supply store.
- After attempting to de-chlorinate, test the water using chlorine test strips (also found at pool supply stores). If chlorine still exists, repeat the process.
2. Drain your pool very slowly to your lawn.
- Draining can take several hours or days, depending on the size of your pool or your lawn.
- If your lawn becomes saturated too quickly and run-off to other areas occurs, stop draining and wait for the water to seep into the lawn.
- Do not discharge water directly to the storm drain system or onto any hard surface. This could damage or flood public infrastructure, watercourses, or neighbouring properties.
- Residents who witness discharge into public spaces can report the occurrence to Bylaw Enforcement.
For further questions regarding utilities or water quality, contact the Engineering Division at 604-532-7300.
Engineering Division