Brian Thomasson Community Room Dedication

It is the pleasure of the Township to dedicate this room in memory of Mr. Brian Thomasson, a devoted Aldergrove community member, Rotarian, and passionate advocate of community service. Join the Township of Langley on Tuesday, September 20 at 10:00am for the dedication of the Brian Thomasson Community Room at the Aldergrove Athletic Park Rotary Fieldhouse (26845 – 27 Avenue).
RSVPs are not necessary but appreciated. To RSVP, email
About Brian Thomasson
Mr. Thomasson was committed to building a thriving, friendly Aldergrove. Following his move to the community in the 1970s, Mr. Thomasson taught at Patricia Elementary and continued his career in education as a teacher and administrator in the Langley School District until he retired in 2005.
In 1999, Mr. Thomasson became a founding charter member and first president of the Rotary Club of Aldergrove, a group committed to improving Aldergrove for all. Mr. Thomasson worked tirelessly to improve South Aldergrove Park, now called Aldergrove Athletic Park, and led the Rotary Club’s partnership with the Township of Langley to construct the Rotary Fieldhouse during the park’s development. To fund the Rotary contribution, he spearheaded the sale of Patricia Hall, a community hall located near the former Patricia Elementary. His efforts resulted in much-needed washrooms and storage areas at the park, as well as a meeting room and concession facility. During subsequent phases of development, Mr. Thomasson garnered donations from contractors and suppliers to further expand fields and facilities.
Mr. Thomasson was an integral part of determining the future of Aldergrove. He participated in the development of the Aldergrove Core Plan, adopted by Township of Langley Council in 2010.
Mr. Thomasson passed away in July 2020 after a battle with cancer. He will be remembered as a constant advocate for community service through the Rotary Club of Aldergrove, the Langley School District, and as a community builder dedicated to improving those living in and enjoying Aldergrove.
On December 12, 2020, Mr. Thomasson was commemorated by Township of Langley Council when this meeting room was officially named the Brain Thomasson Community Room.
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