Business Toolbox Helps Grow Resilience and Investment in Langley Township

The Township of Langley continues to be a leader in the Province as a top place to work, invest, and grow a business, and with the launch of a new Investment Data Toolbox, the local business community is better supported than ever before.
A new interactive business development resource and data analysis tool, Investment Data Toolbox has been launched in partnership with Localintel at As a comprehensive “how to” guide on starting a business, the Toolbox combines data and statistics with local information that gives site selectors, prospective investors, business leaders, and entrepreneurs everything they need to put their plans into action.
Business resiliency has never been more important as the community continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The ability to easily access localized business climate indicators, workforce availability, and understand the local economy and customer base supports long-term efforts for business continuity, recovery, and resilience.
“Our community is known for being one of the best places for work in BC,” said Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese, noting that employment is returning as businesses re-open and find new ways to thrive. “As the employment landscape changes, business attraction, investment, and entrepreneurship are a vital way forward. We are committed to encouraging and facilitating that and want businesses to prosper here.”
“From writing a business plan and finding the right location, to deciding whether to lease or own your location or buying an existing business, our new Toolbox will assist investors, entrepreneurs, and our business community with information and resources that make new business as well as expansion opportunities tangible in the Township,” said Senior Manager of Economic Investment and Development Department Val Gafka.
The interactive Toolbox features visualized statistics and economic indicators, charts and maps, workforce and wage data, demographics and housing data, as well as capital infrastructure and development project information. Users can search and filter on available properties, and search customer base and concentrations by proposed business type.
The Township’s website also features a revamped “Starting a Business” page which now provides a step-by-step guide on starting and growing a business in the Township, including links and valuable resources.
“As we move to advance our economy for long term resiliency, we will continue to grow this interactive Toolbox with new, value-added features. Our knowledgeable and committed team is here to work with entrepreneurs, investors, business leaders, and stakeholders to explore, experience, and excel in the Township of Langley,” said Gafka.
To contact with the Township’s Economic Investment and Development Department, email
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