Calling All Cleanup Captains!

The Adopt-a-Program is back in action! As part of reintroducing the program to the Township, we’re pleased to announce the return of Clean Up Langley Day! The event takes place Saturday, April 23 from 9:00am – 2:00pm.
You may have participated in the past, but did you know you can host your own Clean Up Langley Day team for others to join? It’s easier than you might think! When signing up, simply select “I would like to host a cleanup.” This will help us connect you with others in your neighbourhood who are looking to help beautify their community!
Looking to get involved?
Here’s three great reasons to get host a cleanup in your neighbourhood.
1. Spend quality outdoor time with your friends (and maybe make some new ones)
As a host, you can bring together like-minded people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Neighbourhoods, parks, and trails are public spaces – and at a neighbourhood cleanup, you can meet friends, new and old, invested in making their community a better place, just like you.
2. Nip litter in the bud
An organized cleanup demonstrates a commitment to keeping a neighbourhood beautiful. Tidy areas lead to less littering in the first place. This keeps parks, trails, and your community cleaner, longer.
3. It’s a small commitment with big inspiration
Cleaning up your neighbourhood can be more fun than you think. In fact, participating in Clean Up Langley Day for a few hours can inspire you, and others, to take part in a larger cleanup initiative such as our Adopt-a-Program. With Adopt-a-Program, volunteers can spruce up an area regularly or host a one-time cleanup, any time of the year. Learn more about Adopt-a-Program.
What can you expect as a host?
If you’re open to people joining your cleanup, we’ll post your organization's name and cleanup location on our website once we’ve processed your registration. When volunteers sign up to join your cleanup crew, we’ll let you know. We'll also ensure you have enough cleanup supplies, signage, and provide you a list of who to expect on Clean Up Langley Day.
On the day of the event, your hosting duties will include:
- Managing a welcome station for the volunteers joining your cleanup
- Handing out supplies, outlining safety guidelines, and suggesting cleanup routes
- Placing all collected garbage at the designated pick-up spot at the end of the event
Have questions about hosting or participating in Clean Up Langley Day? Check out our FAQ or email us at Are you ready to join the fun? Sign up at
Want to take part in Clean Up Langley Day, but prefer to keep your circle small? Private clean ups are always welcome. Simply select 'conduct a private cleanup' on the registration form. Your cleanup will not be published online and your crew will only consist of those indicated by you.