Council approves new investments in fire protection
To keep firefighters and community members safe, Township of Langley Council has approved $1.4 million in funding for several important fire protection infrastructure and support needs.
The funding investments include:
- replacing the cancer-prevention vehicle exhaust extraction system at Fire Hall 6 to keep firefighters safe and meet WorkSafe requirements
- purchasing apparatus deployment analysis module (ADAM) predictive modeling software to help the Fire Department be more effective in their allocation and deployment of resources and personnel
- funding a Fire Training Centre feasibility study to look at options for training facility improvements
- renovating Fire Hall 4 interior to meet the current and future functional needs of the Fire Department
- reconstructing the driveway and expanding the apron at Fire Hall 4 to facilitate safe and efficient access and movement of large aerial apparatus and vehicles
“This funding is important to keep firefighters and community members safe, and helps our Fire Department improve significantly the protection of life, property, and the environment,” noted Councillor Tim Baillie, a retired firefighter.
“These are important investments in the Township’s Fire Protection Services for our growing community,” added Mayor Eric Woodward. “Together with a planned new fire hall in Brookswood / Fernridge, these will enhance our emergency responsiveness and public safety overall.”
“We appreciate the funding and support from Council that ensures our firefighters have the infrastructure and equipment they need to keep our community members safe,” said Fire Chief Jason de Roy.
Funding for these investments come from prior year surpluses and present budgets.