Discovery Town Park Playground Upgrade - Virtual Open House

The Township of Langley’s Public Spaces – Parks Design and Development Department invites the public to view a virtual open house for input on the future Discovery Town Park Playground Upgrade, located at 88 Avenue and 206 Street.
The design ideas are available for viewing until August 14 here:
- Welcome
- Existing Conditions/Site Analysis
- Recent New Playgrounds in the Township
- Preliminary Concept Plan
As well, you have the opportunity to participate by completing the playground upgrades questionnaire.
Your input is important to us. Once you have reviewed the playground design ideas and completed the questionnaire, please return it to us by Friday, August 14, using one of the following methods:
Mail: 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 3J1
Public Spaces – Parks Design and Development