Family Day Fun For All Ages

Whether you are painting or playing with parachutes, in the gym, or having a swim, there are plenty of ways to celebrate Family Day as the Township of Langley holds a number of events throughout the community.
A variety of all-ages programs and activities will be offered in celebration of the holiday on Monday, February 18, all of which are free.
The events are supported by the Province of British Columbia.
At Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre, kids can learn and improve coordination as they hide and play with a large, colourful parachute during Parachute Play, from 11:00am to noon, and visitors can get in the pool for a Family Swim from noon to 2:00pm.
If you bring the family, George Preston Recreation Centre will provide the space. From 9:30 to 11am, guests are invited to drop in, play with other families, make friends, and enjoy a variety of toys and sports equipment during Open Play.
Follow the clues and learn about Langley's past during a Family Scavenger Hunt at Langley Centennial Museum. Visitors can also enjoy a special treat and create family-themed crafts. Register for this event, which runs from 1:00 to 4:00pm.
Drop in for a free Family Swim between noon and 2:00pm at W.C. Blair Recreation Centre or explore the magic of the forest with exciting animals, plants, and adventures at every turn during the Magic Forest Tot Romp, from 4:00 to 5:00pm. Families can also get messy and discover a world of magic through art during the Family Paint Play Party from 4:00 to 5:00pm, where guests can make their very own family sign.
Use Family Day as an opportunity to work on your fitness and show kids the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle at Willoughby Community Centre. Family Boot Camp will be held from 10:30 to 11:15am, and Family Yoga runs from 11:45am to 12:30pm.
An afternoon of free time in the pool or gymnasium will be offered at Walnut Grove Community Centre from 3:00 to 6:00pm during Gym & Swim.
Family Day activities will also be offered during free drop-in sessions at local schools: Lynn Fripps Elementary will host Family Badminton, complete with instructors, from 4:00 to 6:00pm, and Richard Bulpitt Elementary School will offer a Family Fun Event where guests can get their faces painted, shoot some hoops, bounce, and play from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
For more information, visit