Good Neighbours Make Great Neighbourhoods

Langley, BC – What does it mean to be a good neighbour in your community? From early morning noise to street parking and yard maintenance, there are many things that go into being a good neighbour.
“You can contribute to the community by knowing your minimum responsibilities as a good neighbour,” says Ruby Senghera, Manager of Bylaw Enforcement.
In the Township, there are bylaws and regulations in place that provide minimum community standards to ensure we are all being neighbourly. Examples include limiting noise after 10:00pm daily, ensuring your yard is maintained and kept free of unsightly mess, and securing your property against vandalism, theft, and fire to help keep your neighbourhood safe.
Knowing your neighbours and having good communication also contributes to our thriving community. While bylaw officers are available to respond to bylaw complaints, residents are encouraged to be friendly with one another and politely resolve issues that may arise. Awareness, communication, and friendliness are the foundation of a safe and healthy neighbourhood.
To help residents better understand their responsibilities, the Township has given the bylaw web page a facelift, with a simple layout and easy to find information on property use regulations, parking, graffiti, and the full Bylaw Library. Find this information and more at and remember that being a good neighbour helps build a strong community.
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