Heat A Reminder To Protect Water Supply

The warm weather is finally here and while it is good advice for people to stay well hydrated, it is not necessary to use a lot of water to keep lawns thriving – especially when it is the water we drink.
Like all municipalities in the region, the Township of Langley is under Stage 1 of Metro Vancouver’s Watering Restrictions, which are automatically implemented each year from May 1 to October 15.
The restrictions, which can be become more severe if necessary, are in place to protect the area’s valuable water resources.
“All water delivered to residents’ homes is drinking water,” said Chris Combe of the Township of Langley’s Sustainability Department. “In the summertime, water use can increase by up to 50%, much of which is from lawn watering. Limiting the days and times lawns may be watered helps conserve our shared water supply and prevents potential shortages if the region experiences an extended dry spell.”
Grass is resilient and only needs to be watered for one hour, once a week – including through rainfall – to stay healthy. Combe noted that those who save even more water by letting their lawns go golden in the summer will see their grass go back to a vibrant green when wetter weather returns.
Under current Stage 1 Watering Restrictions, residents with even street addresses can water their lawns between 4:00 - 9:00am on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Those in odd numbered properties can water during the same hours on Thursday and Sunday mornings. In the case of multi-unit complexes, the complex address, not unit number, determines watering days.
While most residents are familiar with seasonal water restrictions, businesses and other non-residential properties are reminded they are subject to specific watering days and times as well. Even addresses can water lawns from 1:00 - 6:00am on Mondays, and those with odd addresses on Tuesdays. All non-residential addresses can water lawns on Fridays from 4:00 - 9:00am.
Residents and businesses can quickly and easily determine when they are allowed to water by visiting tol.ca/caniwater. For information on lawn watering restrictions, exemption permits, infractions, what to do if your neighbour is watering outside of permitted times, when to water your flower and vegetable gardens, and more, visit tol.ca/waterrestrictions.
Gardens, shrubs, trees, and flowerbeds can be watered by hand any day, any time, but lawn watering in the Township of Langley and throughout Metro Vancouver is limited to specific days and times to prevent potential shortages of vital water resources.
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