Heritage Society Sponsors Salishan Place Classrooms

The Langley Heritage Society is sponsoring the classroom spaces at Salishan Place by the River, the new arts, culture and heritage centre under construction in Fort Langley. This sponsorship will benefit students of all ages using the new facility when it opens in 2023.
Proceeds of the $60,000 gift will help equip and furnish the classrooms, making them dynamic and creative learning environments for children. Langley Centennial Museum’s School programs reach approximately 30,000 students annually. Salishan Place by the River, with the help of the Langley Heritage Society, will work to increase that number significantly.
The Langley Heritage Society has been a committed partner of heritage programming throughout the Township of Langley for many years. The Society funds nine inner city schools, annually providing the resources to cover transportation and programming costs at the museum. This funding assists about 2,500 students each year who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend.
“We are committed to connecting the youth of our community to Langley’s rich and diverse history. The sponsorship of the classrooms at the new centre will help children become engaged citizens supporting museums, cultural institutions, and community heritage in the future,” said Langley Heritage Society president Fred Pepin.
“This generous sponsorship from the Langley Heritage Society will benefit our community for years to come. These classrooms will provide valuable spaces for sharing, learning and understanding of our comprehensive community history,” said Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese.
Salishan Place by the River will feature two museums, a library, a presentation theatre, an art studio, an archive, and conference amenities wrapped up in a community arts, culture and heritage centre. Built to Class “A” museum standards, the facility will host permanent and temporary in-house exhibitions, and borrowed displays from across North America.
Several community partners, including the Heritage Society, the four lands-based First Nations in the Township of Langley (the Katzie, the Kwantlen, the Matsqui and the Semiahmoo) and others will be in discussions with staff on future programs and exhibitions at Salishan Place by the River.