Heritage Week Speaker Series Brings Langley History to You

This month, you can enjoy BC’s Heritage Week, and learn something new about Langley without even leaving your house. The Langley Centennial Museum has been celebrating Heritage Week, the third week in February, for decades, but this year it’s reaching out to the community in a new way.
A four-part speaker series is being offered for free, online, to anyone who would like to participate from the comfort of their own home.
“Having four virtual events really opens up new possibilities,” says Arts & Heritage Curator Kobi Christian. “This gives us a chance to safely connect with people who may not want to drive to the museum on a dark, rainy February night.”
First up is a Facebook Live tour on Tuesday, February 16 at 12:30pm with Christian taking a closer look at the museum’s current exhibit, “Roaring! Langley in the 1920s.” This will be hosted on the Township of Langley’s Facebook page.
At 7:00pm that evening, the museum will be hosting a Zoom chat with several of its heritage partners: the Alder Grove Heritage Society, Canadian Museum of Flight, BC Farm Museum, Langley CN Station, and the Fort Langley National Historic Site. It will give representatives of these organizations a chance to share what they’re about, what they’ve been working on, and their plans for the future.
On February 17 at 7:00pm, Lanson Foster of Lanstone Homes will join museum staff on Zoom to discuss the Murrayville School Revitalization Project, including the challenges of the project, which involved moving the building and adapting it for a new purpose.
Langley Heritage Society President Fred Pepin rounds out the week on Thursday, February 18 at 7:00pm on Zoom, when he’ll talk about the history of Murrayville, based loosely on the heritage bus tour he has taken participants on in previous Heritage Weeks.
To find out more about the Speaker Series, including links to the Zoom events, visit museum.tol.ca/events, or contact the museum at museum@tol.ca or 604-532-3536.