Holey sock? Ripped t-shirt? Clothes aren’t garbage!
When was the last time you dug out a needle and thread to repair a garment unravelling at the seams? If it was beyond repair, did you donate it, or did it end up in the trash? Approximately 44 million pounds of clothing were thrown away as garbage last year in Metro Vancouver. Reducing the amount of clothes we purchase, repairing minor damage, and donating clean and dry clothes in any condition, we all can help reduce the amount of clothing ending up in landfills.
We buy three times more clothes now than we did in the 80s. Fast fashion and lower quality garments have led to more clothing waste. Instead, consider shopping second-hand for quality clothing at an affordable price. If you want to buy new, learn how to identify clothes that last.
When you find a hole or tear in your clothes, is your first thought “where’s the garbage can” or is it “where’s the needle and thread”? Simple repairs can go a long way to extending the life of your clothes. Looking to learn a new skill to pass the time? Try your hand at stitching a hole or darning a sock. Learn about clothing care and repair tips (including videos).
Got a wool sweater that ended up in the dryer? T-shirt looking a little ragged around the collar? Sole of your socks more holes than fabric? Whether it’s too small or seen better days, as long as clothing is clean and dry it can be donated. From a jacket the kids have outgrown to a shirt missing a button, or even a single sock with holes, they can all be donated. Find donation options and learn what happens to donated clothes not suitable for resale.
Want to understand the full picture when it comes to clothing waste? Watch this video from Metro Vancouver that shows what happens to donated clothes as well as a glimpse of what the future may hold.