Insight Newsletter: August 2020 Edition

Stay up to date on relevant and timely business and economic news and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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*New* interactive business resource and data centre
We’re excited to share our new interactive business development resources and data analysis tools, powered by Localintel. Entrepreneurs can view high-level how-to’s on writing a business plan, selecting the right location, understanding strategies for growth, and discover where you’re most likely to find new customers or employees. Site selectors and investors can view local economic indicators based on the most up-to-date information available and search for available properties. This is just the beginning of the work we’re doing to expand our offerings and provide tools that help investors and business owners make informed decisions.
Staycation in Langley
There’s no better time than now to explore the outdoors and safely rediscover your hometown. Soak in the sunshine and fresh air at local Langley parks, trails, farms, or golf courses. Check out local restaurants, wineries, breweries, and attractions that have made modifications to keep employees and customers safe. Get out, enjoy the weather, and support your community and local economy! Tourism Langley has a calendar of socially-distanced local events and adventure inspiration.
Canada Tariff Finder
Does your business import or export outside of Canada? BDC, EDC and the Canadian Trade Commissioner Services of Global Affairs Canada have developed the Canada Tariff Finder, an online tool to help businesses find tariff information for specific markets quickly and easily, with a focus on countries with which Canada has a Free Trade Agreement.
Visit the Canada Tariff Finder website to learn more and use it for your business.
Free course on pandemic planning
The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is offering a free online pandemic planning course for businesses and workplaces. This course emphasizes steps that businesses can take to plan for employee absences, discusses elements of business continuity plans, and actions that may help to slow the spread of the virus and keep employees safe. To find more details on the Pandemic Planning course visit the registration page.
Business resiliency | Preparing for a potential second wave of COVID-19
As we all learn to navigate what will become our new normal, it’s important to reflect on the lessons we have learned from this pandemic and how we can better prepare for future disruptions. Businesses that have taken the time to build their resiliency and recovery plans are best positioned to overcome challenges the future may hold. Here are some things to consider as you begin to prepare your business for a potential second wave of COVID-19:
- Take time to reflect on how your business has handled these challenges so far. Be critical. What would you do differently and what can you do now to be proactive?
- Evaluate your current safety measures – are your customers and employees maintaining a safe environment and are there things you can improve?
- If you have frontline employees who have been working hard since February, make sure they can take a break to help prevent burnout.
- A My Business Account with the CRA is required to take advantage of many government assistance programs. Making sure you’re set up now could help you avoid future delays.
- Do you have adequate supplies of PPE? There are several local suppliers and government programs that can assist you.
- Are there ways to transition your business in case of physical closures? BDC offers a free Business Model Innovation Tool in addition to a whole toolkit of other resources to help you make the right decisions for your business.
- Are your employees working from home? Have you conducted a hazard assessment with them to insure a safe workspace?
- Data security is not only a business differentiator that your customers will appreciate but also an important factor in your recovery plan. Here is a checklist of important items to consider, and if you need assistance, our local Chamber and Business Associations can help you find a local IT company.
- Hiring the right employees is an important part of your business success. Our local WorkBC office is happy to help identify quality pre-screened candidates, organize career fairs, provide wage subsidies, and much more.
- Train your team and build their skills to make your business more adaptable. The Fraser Valley Regional Library offers local residents free access to online LinkedIn Learning. They have thousands of courses on business, software, technology, creative skills, and more.
We're here to help your business
The Township’s Economic Investment and Development team remains available to help support our local business community. Contact Val, Nav, or Dustin via email to or call us at 604-533-6084. For general Township COVID-19 updates visit