Keep Safe and Cool in the Heat

During a summer heat wave, we want everyone to enjoy their time outside while staying safe and protecting their health.
Here are a few ways to stay cool when temperatures rise:
- Cool off in one of the Township's spray parks.
- Book a session at your local swimming pool or the Otter Co-op Outdoor Experience.
- Book a visit at and enjoy air-conditioned galleries in the historic village of Fort Langley.
- Visit a shopping mall or other stores that have air conditioning.
- Stay out of the sun as much as possible; remember temperatures are typically at their highest between 11:00am and 4:00pm.
- In the morning or early evening, enjoy shaded areas in one of the Townships many parks. Williams Park offers large shade trees and covered seating areas.
- If you plan on being active outdoors during the heat, McClughan Park and the West Munday Creek trail system run through dense forest, offering some coolness and shade.
- The Derek Doubleday Arboretum has a picnic shelter and large shade trees with picnic tables.
- Keep your home as cool as possible by closing blinds and curtains. Don't forget to check in on your friends, family, and neighbours, particularly if they are elderly and/or live alone.
- Stay hydrated!
Stay fire safe, too
While the summertime may call for backyard fun, the Fire Department wants to remind residents that backyard bonfires and fire pits are not permitted. Only natural gas, propane, or briquette appliances that are CSA approved are permitted to be used in the Township. Don't forget to clean your barbecues and grills to help prevent fires and flare-ups, and keep them away from anything flammable.
For the safety of our community, local parks & forested areas, residents are asked to be vigilant. Do not smoke in parks, dispose of smoking materials from vehicle windows, on the ground, in flowerbeds or bark mulch. Dispose of smoking materials properly and make sure they are fully extinguished. Report any signs of smoke or fire by calling 9-1-1.
For more information on how to stay safe in the heat, visit Fraser Health and HealthLinkBC. The BC Centre for Disease Control also has tips for warm weather safety in a time of COVID-19.
Information about real-time air quality readings for Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, and any potential health impacts, can be found on Metro Vancouver's AirMap and via the provincial Air Quality Advisories webpage. Find extreme weather alerts via Environment Canada.