LED Streetlight Replacement Project
Beginning in April, BC Hydro will be replacing high pressure sodium (HPS) streetlights with energy-efficient LED lights in the Township. BC Hydro’s replacement project complements the transition to LED streetlights already underway by the Township.
Streetlights in the Township are a combination of those managed by BC Hydro (i.e. streetlights on wooden poles) and those managed by the municipality (i.e. streetlights on concrete and metal poles). During the transition to LEDs for both projects, residents and businesses will experience minimal impacts, if any. Considerations will be taken to maintain traffic flow, no electrical outages are required, and existing lights will be kept in place until the LED lights are installed and ready to be activated to ensure streets remain lit.
Why switch to LED streetlights? |
Like many municipalities in the region, the Township is switching to LED streetlights because they use far less energy, are more reliable, last longer, and are more sustainable. The Township currently owns, operates, and maintains over 7,000 HPS streetlights. By switching to LED lights, the Township will reduce streetlight energy use by up to 50% and save an anticipated $380,000 annually on utility and maintenance costs once the project is complete. BC Hydro’s replacement project follows similar suit. Learn more about the BC Hydro Street light replacement project. To read more about sustainable infrastructure in the Township, visit Climate Action. |
What is the timeline for the replacement projects? |
Township of Langley Council approved the LED Street Light Program in the 2021 Capital Budget. The project is anticipated to be substantially complete in 2022.
BC Hydro’s timeline is approximately 18 weeks from Monday, April 5. |
Will the streetlights be brighter? |
While all streetlights will be converted to LEDs in the near future, if you come across a burnt-out streetlight in the meantime, please submit a maintenance request online or call the Engineering Division at 604-532-7300. |
Engineering Division