Library Renamed in Honour of the Late Dean Drysdale

The Fraser Valley Regional Library inside the Walnut Grove Community Centre has been renamed the Dean Drysdale Library in honour of the long-time Langley resident, elected official, professor, military officer, aspiring parliamentarian, and successful venture capitalist.
Dean Bradley Drysdale was born December 30, 1963, grew up in the Township of Langley, and attended D.W. Poppy and Langley Secondary Schools. He joined the Canadian Army Reserve, was commissioned as an Artillery Officer at the age of 17, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel serving as the commanding officer of the 15th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery in Vancouver.
Dean was a passionate lifelong learner and graduated from several post-secondary institutions including Douglas College, Bishop’s University (Quebec), the European Institute of Business Administration (Paris, France) and the Cass Business School at the City University of London (UK). He held several degrees and designations including an RCA, MBA, a Ph.D., a CGA-CPA and FCCA and taught Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University for 25 years.
He was elected twice to Township of Langley Council and ran twice for Parliament. He was awarded the 125th Anniversary of Confederation of Canada Medal, the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, and the Canadian Forces' Decoration with two bars.
After he passed away on August 11, 2019, Township of Langley Council discussed options to recognize and honour the many contributions he made to his community, province, and country and referred it to staff for naming options.
“Given his passion and commitment to his community, to lifelong learning and education, and to recreation here in the Township, it is very fitting that the library inside the Walnut Grove Community Centre be renamed to honour Dean Drysdale,” said Township Mayor Jack Froese. “He gave so much, to so many, and should be remembered and revered for that.”
“We are very pleased to support the Township of Langley in recognizing the contributions of Dean Drysdale to his community through the renaming of the library in the Walnut Grove Community Centre. The library is well-loved by the community, and one of the busiest in the FVRL system," said Scott Hargrove, FVRL Chief Executive Officer.
On April 19, 2021, the Dean Drysdale Library was unveiled with a new sign and other forms of recognition inside the library
From left to right: Karen Kersey, Dean Drysdale, May Barnard, Mayor John Scholtens, Mel Kositisky, Muriel Arnason, and Heather McMullan