Pest Alert: Asian Giant Hornet
The provincial Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries requests residents in the southern Metro Vancouver area be on the look-out for Asian Giant Hornets (Vespa mandarinia).
These large, wasp-like insects are not interested in humans, pets, or large animals and will not attack unless their nests are disturbed.
Asian Giant Hornets hunt insects for food and will feed on honeybees, destroying beehives in a short time.
Asian Giant Hornet Description
Asian Giant Hornets are large and have noticeably large orange heads and black eyes. Worker hornets are approximately 3.5 cm in length and queens can be up to 4-5 cm in length with a wingspan of 4-7cm.
Please note, lookalike large insects include Bald-faced hornets, Yellow jackets, Horntail wasps, and Elm Sawflies. There is no need to report those species.
For more information on Asian Giant Hornets, lookalikes, and what to do if you are stung, read the Ministry’s Asian Giant Hornet Pest Alert.
How to Report a Sighting
If you think you may have seen an Asian Giant Hornet, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries requests you make note of the location and, if possible, take a photo then report the sighting to the Invasive Species Council BC online or by calling 1-888-933-3722, or via the provincial Invasive Species website.
Township of Langley residents can also call the Engineering Division at 604-532-7300 or email with their concern.