Pet Waste Disposal

With residents and visitors spending more time outdoors in the warm weather, we would like to remind pet owners of their legal responsibility to clean up after their dogs, cats, and other pets. Not only is it a neighbourly thing to do, it's the law!
Did you know not picking up your pet's waste could result in a $100-$10,000 fine, with a separate fine being issued for each day the offense continues? Pet waste also affects more people and places than you may think. Most fecal coliform found in urban stormwater comes from non-human origins, creating increased strain on our water systems and the environment. Dog waste is also not a healthy or functional fertilizer, and does not disappear in the rain.
To make it easy and simple for pet owners to dispose of waste, bags and disposal bins have been made available at most Township parks. A pilot project was also launched in Walnut Grove, which includes a dedicated pet waste receptacle in select multi-stream bins. This pilot project will continue through August, with consideration being given to expand to other neighbourhoods.
How can you dispose of pet waste safely? As per Metro Vancouver guidelines, pet waste should be disposed of in dedicated receptacles, flushed, composted, or double-bagged and placed in standard garbage bins, in order to protect landfill staff and minimize the powerful greenhouse gas it produces. For more information on pet waste disposal, Bylaw No. 4440 Section 33, or to report an offence, contact the Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) at 604-857-5055.