Public Event: Dementia Friends Virtual Forum
The Township is preparing an Age- and Dementia-friendly Action Plan to support older adults and people with dementia to live with dignity, respect, and independence. The new Action Plan will help make Langley Township an even more welcoming and inclusive place for older adults and people living with dementia.
An upcoming Dementia Friends Virtual Forum will provide an opportunity to learn more about dementia, dementia-friendly communities, and how you can shape the Township’s action plan. The Forum will feature a presentation from the Alzheimer Society of B.C. with an opportunity for questions and answers.
This event is free and all are welcome; however, registration is required. Register at
Date: Tuesday, February 23
Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Venue: Online, link to be emailed to registrants prior to the event.
Our Age- and Dementia-friendly Action Plan Survey has now closed. Thank you to all those who provided valued feedback.
Age-friendly communities promote the inclusion of older adults in all areas of community life. Dementia-friendly communities complement age-friendly initiatives by considering the needs of people living with dementia.
In September 2014, Township Council approved the Township’s first Age-friendly Strategy, which provides numerous actions to create an age-friendly community. Based on the work undertaken as part of the Strategy, the Province of BC formally recognized the Township as an age-friendly community in June 2015. Building on this success, the proposed Age- and Dementia-friendly Action Plan will update the 2014 Strategy, providing new actions to help the Township become a more age- and dementia-friendly community. The new Action Plan will also specifically consider the needs of people with dementia.
Dementia is an overall term for a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain, including memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language, severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. Age is the strongest known risk factor for dementia, but some younger people, in their 40s or 50s, are diagnosed with early onset. After the age of 65, the risk of developing dementia doubles approximately every five years. 1 in 6 Township residents is 65 years and older. In 25 years, 1 in 4 residents will be 65 years and older.
There are approximately 1,800 people living with dementia in the Langley area, and due to the aging population, these numbers are projected to rise to an estimated 3,200 people in 2030.
Community Development Division