Traffic Impact: Pedestrian Overpass, 6800 Block of 200 Street, July 25 - October 31

The pedestrian overpass at the 6800 block of 200 Street is scheduled for maintenance between Monday, July 25 and Monday, October 31.
During the work:
- Scaffolding will be installed and the structure will be tarped to contain debris and paint
- The overpass will be closed periodically to pedestrians with a detour route made available
- 200 Street will remain open to two-way traffic with temporary lane closures outside of peak traffic hours
- 68 Avenue between 200 and 201A Street will have limited vehicle access while the contractor is working on the east side of the structure
- A temporary clearance restriction of 4.15 metres is also in effect
The work is weather dependent and may be rescheduled or extended as required. For the latest traffic impacts, visit We appreciate your patience.
Engineering Division
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