Trans Mountain Pipeline

In 2013, Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain) applied to the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) (formerly, the National Energy Board) for the approval of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP).
The CER is the regulator in respect to the TMEP, and the Township has limited authority over the project. The Township of Langley has been working with the CER and Trans Mountain to ensure that the interests of the Township residents and businesses are protected.
In 2014 and in 2015, the Township participated in the CER approval process in respect to the TMEP. The Township has been reviewing relevant documents filed by Trans Mountain with the CER and has been participating in technical discussions with Trans Mountain. In 2019, the Township submitted its opposition to the CER on aspects of the detailed route of the TMEP.
Since then, the Township is satisfied that the following items have been addressed:
- designating vulnerable aquifers and incorporating the Township’s vulnerability dataset into groundwater management plan;
- reviewing construction methodology in respect to the Township’s highways;
- reviewing mitigation and reclamation works necessary to protect the Township’s parks and environmentally sensitive areas;
- ensuring the protection of the environment, including trees, wildlife and habitat;
- crossing fish bearing watercourses including Davidson Creek, Salmon River and Yorkson Creek; and
- compliance with municipal policies, procedures and permitting processes.
The Township withdrew its opposition to the TMEP detailed route, but will continue communication with Trans Mountain as the project unfolds.
“We are pleased that the concerns were resolved and that Township land, water, and existing infrastructure will be protected, while also gaining new amenities for all community members to use and benefit from for years to come,” said Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese.
In addition, the Township also entered into a Community Benefit Agreement with Trans Mountain that will provide $1.4 million towards a community amenity project. The community project is currently identified as a Pedestrian and Cycling Overpass located on the waterfront in Fort Langley, immediately south of the Fraser River and east of Glover Road. The overpass will extend to the Fort-to-Fort Trail at Marina Park, across the CN Railway and River Road, to the Parks Canada National Historic Site of Fort Langley (Fort), creating a safe and accessible crossing.
The overpass will provide a lasting benefit to both Township of Langley residents and visitors including:
- Reconnecting the Fort to the water and providing connection to create a loop trail that travels from the Fort, along the Bedford channel waterfront, and then back through the Fort Langley urban area;
- The completed overpass and resulting loop trail will provide better and safer access to the local businesses and create more pedestrian and cycling opportunities for the general public;
- Visitors to the Fort will be able to access the waterfront more safely and directly, which will allow the Fort, along with the Kwantlen First Nation, to extend their interpretive programs down to the water and provide a more complete and historically accurate experience; and
- Improved access for visitors of the current and future Langley Centennial Museum.
“These resolutions were guided by our sustainability charter goals including protecting our people and properties, developing livable and vibrant communities, investing in effective infrastructure, and conserving and enhancing our environment, among others.” Mayor Froese added.
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