Vote by Mail and Advance Voting Information

February 27, 2021 is General Voting Day, when Township of Langley voters will choose a new School Trustee, but that’s not the only day to cast a ballot in the upcoming School Trustee By-election.
Eligible voters can vote by mail if they go to and request a mail-in ballot by February 15. Requests are completed using an online form, and require a piece of identification such as a photo of a driver’s licence.
Advance voting will also offer opportunities to cast a ballot next week. There are three locations for advance voting:
- Wednesday, February 17 (8:00am to 8:00pm) - Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre - 26770 29 Avenue. Enter through the meeting room door.
- Thursday, February 18 (8:00am to 8:00pm) - Township Civic Facility, 20338 65 Avenue – 1st floor – enter through the first floor entrance.
- Friday, February 19 (8:00am to 8:00pm) - Walnut Grove Recreation Centre gymnasium, 8889 Walnut Grove Drive. Drive around the back of the building (past the pool) to the parking lot at the back and enter through the gym doors.
For all information on the Township of Langley 2021 School Trustee By-election, please visit